Ah bit early for us, we would want to break off and go camping round eastern europe and I aint camping in January round eastern europe......

good luck though :)
Sounds great. Sorry i cant have the time off work nor do i have a car suitable for that terrain. God bless and good luck to all who travels with you. A little humor goes a long way. Johnny

I had this Land Rover that didn’t leak oil? I took it back to the dealership and their mechanics worked on it until it did.
Landrovers don’t leak oil, they are marking their territory.
If you are going to put a Land Rover picture up on the the wall - don’t forget to lay some old sheets down to catch the oil drips.
Fair enough. Perhaps next trip I will go in something like a 3 wheeler Reliant, might convicne people that you don't need a 4X4 to cross a desert hehe
Fair enough. Perhaps next trip I will go in something like a 3 wheeler Reliant, might convicne people that you don't need a 4X4 to cross a desert hehe
Mate of mine crossed the Sahara in a Sherpa minibus full of scouts - that's more or less the same thing I think.:D

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