More sad news........please pass on my condolances to his family.
I'm still a newbie here but have gained a lot from his knowledge and enjoyed his posts and wit.
Hello fellow members , It is with deep regret that i have to inform you of the sad news i have received from Wammers son Anthony that Tony passed away peacefully at 09.00 hrs this morning , its devastating news and i know that his many many close friends on this forum will be sorry to hear of this sad news .if anyone wishes to send cards or a message to Tony's wife Sue and his son Anthony then i can pass this thru to them or i can let you have their address , so please e-mail me on . kind regards Mozz Smith.
That is very sad news, especially for all those that he has helped over the years on LZ.
One of the most prolific and knowledgeable contributors to the forum, as well as a noted wit and political commentator.

RIP Tony, You will be missed! :(:(
RIP Wammers Only new you a short time but your help and knowledge will be missed:(:(:(:(:(:(:(
Deepest condolences to your wife and family.
You may have left us for pastures new but you will never be forgotten
What sad news, his advice and knowledge on our cars was always gratefully received, sometimes you don't know someone personally but you do know them well as fellow Landy owners, RIP Wammmers.
His name was synonymous with both the knowledge he imparted to grateful owners & the wit that amused so many of us here on LandyZone
My deepest condolences to his family.
RIP Tony.
R.I.P Wammers - I have enjoyed the times on here with you and your knowledge of the workings of the EAS system amongst many other things. You saved me thousands of pounds over the years and a lot of wasted hours looking for stuff I would have never found.
Your wit when in a heated debating situation was also priceless.
You will be missed Tony - R.I.P :(
My condolences to your family :(

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