@accywingy @accyroy and @accynina are admin with magical powers that can reshape the forum. They pop in to cast a beady eye on us from time to time.

I think I'm the only active modish type that can shuffle paperwork and pick up spat dummies

I do like the idea of some type of memorial threads/section, Tony, Alan and others are sorely missed but I'm not sure on the best way to approach it.

Individual threads made sticky in the section they were best known would be the easiest and perhaps most effective. They could be cleaned up of anything not relevant and locked when it is felt they are complete.

A separate memorial section could be added where memorial threads could be moved to but that would take admin level superpowers and I'm not sure that it would add much.

I don't think it would be appropriate (or possibly even legal) for grieving families to be contacted though the forum though of course individual members who have personal contact are free to so any request for photos etc will have to be done on an individual basis and baring in mind that any personal details posted will be available to view by anyone and everyone.

I'll post something in the Secure Unit to gather thoughts from those of us that have been here far too long
Hi everyone , just to give you all an update regarding Alan "TOMCAT" from the wirrall . on thursday a.m. Alan was admitted to hospital suffering a suspected stroke . after a M.R.I. scan it was revealed that it wasnt a stroke as such but a problem with his brain, his consultants are reviewing everthing at present and he will remain in hospital till this is resolved ,obviously other tests will follow , Alan's wife Jeanie has asked me to thank everyone for their concerns and best wishes , Jeanie has said she will keep us informed of progress and i will post here as soon as i receive info , so many many thanks to you all for your thought at this time. kind regards Mozz.

Wish you a luck and health:)