So although there hasn't been much posts a few little bits have been done to the land rover, we started on the whole gearbox/transfer-box/bell-housing assembly trying to get a few more bits done, first off the hand brake drum was cleaned and painted in satin black


After this we decided to clean up the gearbox, this involved cleaning the steel casing with wire wheels then painting yellow, and the aluminium casing was just cleaned up with stainless steel wire wheels on the dremel. The gear leverage assembly's were taken apart, cleaned and rebuilt with fresh grease and the casings were polished


Then today we spent 10 or 15 minutes cleaning the bell housing up so it can be etch primed and painted



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So as a few of you have noticed no progress has been made on the land rover for a while now, this was due to having to move out of the garage we was working in originally, we therefore moved closer to home to my granddads garage to carry on with the build, however due to a change in circumstances we now don't have access to that garage either, and therefore have no place to store or rebuild the land rover......
We're obviously very gutted about this but it has to be done, so we've decided we will now sell the land rover, ideally we want to sell the land rover as a whole project to be completed by someone, but if no one is interested it will just be sold for parts, so if anyone is interested in buying the land rover as a whole, or buying any parts don't hesitate to get in touch, thanks people
You have got to be joking! All the body panels, in the original pictures, looked in really good condition. Now I realise that underneath the panels may need a bit of attention, but the body looked like it could just drop on to the rolling chassis you've created. There has to be a solution, it'll be mint when its finished.
You have got to be joking! All the body panels, in the original pictures, looked in really good condition. Now I realise that underneath the panels may need a bit of attention, but the body looked like it could just drop on to the rolling chassis you've created. There has to be a solution, it'll be mint when its finished.
As much as we would love to complete the project, we just don't have the time to do it sadly so this is the only option at the moment
Well, I'm devastated for you.
Someone is going to score for a cracking start to a project and a sturdy vehicle with a long life ahead of it.
Well, I'm devastated for you.
Someone is going to score for a cracking start to a project and a sturdy vehicle with a long life ahead of it.
Agree with that 100%, must be heartbreaking after the effort you put in, and the quality of what you have done, only hope that it goes to someone who can finish it in the way it should be done so that this will not be lost.
I feel for you bud after the time and effort you have put in, seems such a shame, hopefully whoever buys it will do it justice.
Well, I'm devastated for you.
Someone is going to score for a cracking start to a project and a sturdy vehicle with a long life ahead of it.

yes we are very gutted, I have to say we've learnt a lot and we'll definitely try again once we're properly set off so i'm sure this isn't the last you'll see of us

Agree with that 100%, must be heartbreaking after the effort you put in, and the quality of what you have done, only hope that it goes to someone who can finish it in the way it should be done so that this will not be lost.

It would be very nice to see it done, just hope someone has the enthusiasm to complete it to the condition we imagined ourselves though, so far we've mainly been getting daft offers from people trying to take it off our hands, mainly restoration companies and breakers yards trying to make some quick money

I feel for you bud after the time and effort you have put in, seems such a shame, hopefully whoever buys it will do it justice.

It makes it so much worse thinking back to the effort we've put in, all the hours sat shot blasting getting covered in crap, and all the hours spent messing about trying to undo seized bolts, feels like it's all been for nothing
Its for sale on ebay as a rolling chassis with V5, I'll then just sell the rest of the parts separately afterwards
Yep, I've had a look and it looks good.
I hope you get a decent price for it. Good luck.
It was a buy it now or offers. Found it straight away last night. Not there now.
Sorry to be cheeky, but did you get anything near what you were asking for it?
Sorry to be cheeky, but did you get anything near what you were asking for it?

Not cheeky at all, there was a lot of interest but everyone wanted to buy everything as appose to just the rolling chassis, we've made a loss of £2000 not even counting the amount of man hours that went into it, but you live and learn I guess
Well, if someone who knows what they're doing bought the lot, they've got a cracking deal. That going to be great vehicle for £6k+

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