Well-Known Member
Hi all, ive recently managed to get my s3 diesel rescue efforts to some success after starting her up for 1st time in 1yr 4 months! The last time it ran it had all old bits from where it sat for maybe a decade. Its got a whole new fuel system except for the injection pump. However, despite my excitement to rebuild it, its got a big smoke problem, always has, but i cant run it without a respirator on because the fumes are outrageous. To get it started i had to re-time up the pump and bleed the life out of it, it went like never before but if anyone has any ideas as to what any known causes for serious smoke (white and very unburnt fuelly smell) could be apart from bad injection timing it would be an amazing help!! Its got no issues with the throttle and revs, if thats anything to do with it... Thanks all!!!