At risk of upsetting your diesel place be sure to tell them you want the pressures set at 130/135 bar. Higher than that buggers up the running. Replace or anneal the copper spill rail washers, to anneal just heat to red colour and drop in water. If you replace they are sometimes made from aluminium.

The landrover places try and sell the same aluminium washers as are used under the rocker box cover studs on 2.5.

I just have a box of assorted sizes copper on the side. I work with old diesels quite a lot.
Im finally back after a long while and alot of work, took ages to get my injectors done, but as of tonight, the update is that the injectors ate shiny as new, to which it ran, bled the cluch (once i realised i wasnt actually bleeding anything because i had the bleed screw at the bottom ), so took it for a run! Down the field... Got an air leak so mates discovery pulled me back down the field, found the leak using compressed air, re sealed the injection pump linkage cap bit retimed it and wham, NO SMOKE!!!! Ran better than ever , then the seal went again because i was too impatient to wait to set properly but hey, its never run so clean, finally... now just gotta redo that seal again properly!

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