Cheers! The two steel plates I welded on the front of the chassis will support the front panel in exactly the same position as before, as they are in the same place as the original mounts. The valence panel will cover them after I install brackets. I installed these first to keep chassis alignment.
The whole front crossmember had to be removed and the new one I will fabricate off the two plates.This has been pulled forward to accommodate the steering box position . I still have to finish the fabrication of the crossmember, but wanted to complete some other jobs on the chassis first. I will put the engine and axles with steering rods etc on to check what space I have to play with.
The rivet gun was an eBay purchase although you can get the same one from RS Components, albeit more expensive. Think I paid £25 for it new, delivered! The rivets you can get from eBay too as there are several suppliers on there selling them. I used 4.8 csk rivets on the back body floor, which are aluminium. I used dome head on most other areas. These are aluminium with stainless stems. On the outer body, I use aluminium sealed stem rivets to prevent water ingress and corrosion. Check out this item number 291243503036 on eBay.
I wanted to be finished with the chassis by now, but as usual you always find more that needs doing. Plus the added complication of doing a power steering installation! Many thanks for the positive comments!