missed a treat today met a group of slittys about 7/8 of all toyota whatsit surfs
they stopped and warned me about a bad mud hole down the track
missed a treat today met a group of slittys about 7/8 of all toyota whatsit surfs
they stopped and warned me about a bad mud hole down the track

:D :D :D snigger:D :D :D

Oh dear. Thats sounds really bad. I hope they didn't struggle too much off the tarmac.:p :p :p
they were mostly lifted 1's but i had to really bite my lip and say yeah we been running around up here all weekend yeah it is bad aint it :rolleyes: :scratching_chin: :hysterically_laughi :hysterically_laughi :hysterically_laughi :hysterically_laughi :bump2: :bump2:
nah he did'nt get in there he grounded out before he got in :D
had to have a go meself
:eek: :screaming_bug_eye_f :screaming_bug_eye_f :hysterically_laughi


It looks kinda familiar, although the different camera angle confuses. :rolleyes:
The deep Daft hole is the one to the left of Robin?
You can just make out the wheelings of the track Robin is in to the right of Tufftee?
It's quite possibly the hole we didn't get to yesterday as we ran out of daylight.

Cancel that!
Just looked at Zans photo archive on the PC and the trees dont add up, so unless someone's been busy with a chainsaw it's not Dafts hole.......... it's ROBINS hole!!!:mooning::D
well it ant dafts ole thats for sure !!!!!
over the hill towards road !!
didnt even get me tyres wet the bastids axles grounded out !!!
i blame pikey !!
ya i,ll blame pikey he was navigateing !!
after this weekend the broken bit list is as follows :-
1/ front down pipe very noisy
2/ non functioning alternator
3/ no footbrake / hardly any
4/ handbrake dont work again
the list is getting longer

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