I has a CBeebie, Mud tyres and is well equipped fer recovery.
Me and Oddie should be in the same group, so that I can recover him again and again and again....
ok guys n gurls whats comin to this run....

1) A couple of the lanes we are planning are a bit tight and scratchy. If anyone coming is worried about paintwork let us know (by PM to spare yur embaressment) and we can put a non scratchy group together.

2) does anyone have a preference for which group they want to be in.... I'm assuming Trewy will want to be in the last group givin more time to get from Kernow. Grippa does yu want to be in the first group so yu can get back home early???

3) what tyres / kit has everyone got. We would like at least 1 other vehicle with CB in each group (all group leaders ave 1). We reckon A/T tyres will be ok as a minimum but have got recovery gear if needed to help on trickier sections if yur tyres is a bit worn :rolleyes:

Feel free to PM me with answers if yu prefer.

12 Days and counting.........
bubble wraps on order........................:(
the earlyest we can have breakfast there is 8 am so i guess we will be a start line by 8.45

FFS I thought this was supposed to be a good place.. I've never stopped anywhere that only did 8:00 brekkies, They obviously don't get any business trade.. The price their charging they should be bending over backwards for us...
FFS I thought this was supposed to be a good place.. I've never stopped anywhere that only did 8:00 brekkies, They obviously don't get any business trade.. The price their charging they should be bending over backwards for us...

They're only charging that much to replace the stuff you're gonna pikey off em :D :D :D
I have a strict rule when stopping at digs.. The more they charge The more I steal :D at this rate we'll be taking the fooking wardrobes home with us... :D
Got a load of recovery gear, straps and chains. 5 ton winch, CB radio and some really big wheel chocks for those that have left there hand brakes at home.
Right then, for all you food junkies out there we have had a small set back.

The guy running the burger van we planned to have for a lunch time interlude is no longer available and has been scrubbed.

We are currently looking at an alternative option of a pub stop on route, which gives the added benefit of a pee break for anyone that needs.

We will assess the qualtity of food and beer before the event.....................just to make sure its up to standard :rolleyes: :rolleyes:

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