Home now....:mad: :mad: Wot have I told ya about hanging round wiv this lot when ya ****ed..

Hang on - we're a step up from your level...................

................about a foot and a half.......................

.............................allegedly :D
2 chish and fips ere pleeez.

OK daft, tis all being put on a list for the chipshop.

Right, time for an update:

We did the final shakedown run today and cleared a few branches and cut a log or two and found a couple more great lanes!

The first section before lunch at the burger van will take approx 3.5 hours - so lunch should be around midday to 1pm, depending which group you are in.

The second section to West Bay is about 3 hours.

Pencilling in some food/breakdown/piccie time, we reckon it will be up to 8 hours from start to finish and it is surprisingly an approx 120 mile round trip :eek:

As the route is predominantly a rural one with maybe one small village petrol station en route:

OK daft, tis all being put on a list for the chipshop.

Right, time for an update:

We did the final shakedown run today and cleared a few branches and cut a log or two and found a couple more great lanes!

The first section before lunch at the burger van will take approx 3.5 hours - so lunch should be around midday to 1pm, depending which group you are in.

The second section to West Bay is about 3 hours.

Pencilling in some food/breakdown/piccie time, we reckon it will be up to 8 hours from start to finish and it is surprisingly an approx 120 mile round trip :eek:

As the route is predominantly a rural one with maybe one small village petrol station en route:


how is muddydisco4 going to get round he needs fuel every 50 miles:D
Has you got my pie and chips and gravy on the list? :D

We is only worried about fish orders cos they gets it in fresh special. :p
Your pie wont be a problem as its only frozen pastry coated offal :D

how is muddydisco4 going to get round he needs fuel every 50 miles:D

He has a secret weapon called a..........................................

..............................JERRY CAN, you muppet. :D
Ah, but which one am I?
More to the point, which one are you?

You're one of those little Doozers from Fraggle rock I bet.
Gently beavering away in the background, not knowing where he is :p

I would say a lemming would be a better discription.;)

following a S*L*U*T to his death:p :p :p
ok guys n gurls whats comin to this run....

1) A couple of the lanes we are planning are a bit tight and scratchy. If anyone coming is worried about paintwork let us know (by PM to spare yur embaressment) and we can put a non scratchy group together.

2) does anyone have a preference for which group they want to be in.... I'm assuming Trewy will want to be in the last group givin more time to get from Kernow. Grippa does yu want to be in the first group so yu can get back home early???

3) what tyres / kit has everyone got. We would like at least 1 other vehicle with CB in each group (all group leaders ave 1). We reckon A/T tyres will be ok as a minimum but have got recovery gear if needed to help on trickier sections if yur tyres is a bit worn :rolleyes:

Feel free to PM me with answers if yu prefer.

12 Days and counting.........

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