
New Member
Ok bulkhead to outrigger nut rusted to fook a cannot shift do not want to cut it of! only trying to fit Tree sliders form Richmond shot blasting.
Any words of wisdom of how to get the fooking thing off?????:eek:
hit the flats hard with flat ended punch as hard as you can and as many flats you can get to ,or split nut with a chisel along length of flat and replace nut
Just done this. Wd40 every day for a week. Got a strong son and a power bar plus a hex impact socket (29mm?). 2 bottles of a good bordeaux. Took all of 30 seconds a side. Richmond treesliders are superbly made IMHO - no connection. Slow in coming though, but worth the wait.
If its a nut and bolt then break it off and go buy a new set you tight git! :D
Invest in a set of bolt extractors!

Use that one one side and a set of Stilsons on the other ... If nothing else, you should be able to shear it off!
Not quite sure if that is a complement or not about the Avatar!!!! I have had some seriously ****ty eyes in the morning though :dizzy:
Anyone know the size required to replace???? got a nut splitter, got a bit of rod, going to cut the bloody thing off and knock the fooking bolts out. So the size would be handy....
I take it they should just slide out and nothing big will drop of or out.:frown:
My nut splitter was more hassle than it was worth tbh.. Seemed to be for bigger nuts than most of my landy ones which get ceased and was always slipping off.

Did you try heating it ? I always never had much luck with heat until I saw the garage do it... christ my chasis was glowing red... my idea of heat was always a quick dusting with the blowtorch.
Not quite sure if that is a complement or not about the Avatar!!!! I have had some seriously ****ty eyes in the morning though :dizzy:
Anyone know the size required to replace???? got a nut splitter, got a bit of rod, going to cut the bloody thing off and knock the fooking bolts out. So the size would be handy....
I take it they should just slide out and nothing big will drop of or out.:frown:
not your avatar!
guess its not called an avatar, probly more of a sig, was referring to freelaner's latest tit pic......

cant remember the size off tp of head, guess bolt head would be about 3/4" ish, with maybe a 1/2" or 9/16" shank.
they can be ****s to remove from chassis outrigger if seized in, recomend keeping bolt head on so theres summat there to give some torsional assistance to it.
if they do slide out (which they should.....) nowt will drop off, but you may need a jack under the bulkhead to realign the hole.
Cheers, bolts are moving inside the outrigger just the bloody nuts are not coming off thanks for the warning about the bulkhead that would have scared the ****e out of me!!!
And yes they are very disturbing stick figures!!!!!!!!!!
I did think about heat but i bottled it thinking the waxoyl might catch which is probably a bit extreme.........
Cheers, bolts are moving inside the outrigger just the bloody nuts are not coming off thanks for the warning about the bulkhead that would have scared the ****e out of me!!!
And yes they are very disturbing stick figures!!!!!!!!!!
I did think about heat but i bottled it thinking the waxoyl might catch which is probably a bit extreme.........
ah, thought it were all stuck.
yer need a socket that'll go on the nut with a gurt bar on it, possibly extended with a 2' steampipe or scaffold bar.
a decent ringkey spanner on the bolt head with the open end on a breezeblock or similar. put enough force on it to shear it off or undo it.

the bulkhead probly wont noticable move, but enough not to allow a new bolt to slide in.
be cautious hitting a new bolt in, as yer'll sharg the threads.
Not quite sure if that is a complement or not about the Avatar!!!! I have had some seriously ****ty eyes in the morning though :dizzy:
Anyone know the size required to replace???? got a nut splitter, got a bit of rod, going to cut the bloody thing off and knock the fooking bolts out. So the size would be handy....
I take it they should just slide out and nothing big will drop of or out.:frown:

M12 X 200 mm 8.8 is what you need to fit the sliders. Good luck, oh, and plenty of copper grease.
Just to let you all know after the enjoyable destruction of the nut with a nut splitter very therapeutic!!!! then knocking the bolt out with a 2.5lb lump hammer and refitting all new bits with loads of copper grease. It is all done just got to fit the sliders now spent the rest of the afternoon with a huge rat tail file clearing the jacking point out so all should be well!!!! Thanks for the advice and the kick up the arse to do it...
Rusted Root - Send Me On My Way (with lyrics) - YouTube

oh feck me um my dyslexia .........thought it said rusted root :doh:


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