
New Member
Can you help a new disco owner?

I've picked up the Disco 300tdi today, drives well dosen't appear to be damp on the floors at the front, possibly some in the boot but it's not sodden. Going to give it a real good look over tommorow. I'm going to get some black sealent for the sills tommorow and get them definetly (I hope) water tight.

Main question is about rust though, there's a few small patches here and there. Little bits on the black bit's round the windows a little on the inside of the door frame a few bubbles near the windows. And a fair bit along the edge of the back sill where the rear door/boot closes. There's no holes but I really want to stop it getting any worse.

I've seen a few products, POR-15 and rust bullet among others, will these work in stopping the rust?

Can anyone recommend a good product or what to do? I can get a few pics if that would help to gauge the size of the spots, most are less than an inch square.

Do a search this came up recently and I posted the results of a Classic car test, Por thingie came out rubbish.
Hi there, had a search back and found the thread. Just hadn't looked far enough back before.

Think I saw something called rust bullet that claims to be good last night on the web, although denitol was number one on the classic car test.
Will have a look at WCF 50 too.

It's rust on the chassis internal and external that concerns me - no big holes except rear floor section. Can I use these products on interior patches say round the rear door sill?

Do they actually stop the rust getting worse? I'm worried that I'll put stuff on and the rust will just keep going under the paint/prevention stuff

I'm going to use waxyoil on the underside arches and as much as I can underneath to keep it in good nick. Does this stop rust or just prevent it taking up?

As I understand it rust is caused by oxidiation (spelling?) so covering it up should stop more air & moisture getting in and if you remove most of the rust it shouldn't get worse. Is that right?

I love the disco and really want to get in the best condition I can and stop rust. Think I'm getting quite obsessed by rust!


WCF 50 - meant to be quite good - they use it on planes and stuff. Have a look and see what you think.

shirley planes are mainly aluminium, other alloys of light metals and not a lot of steel? therefore not likey to rust in the furst place.
so there you have it, slavveer peanut butter on it, for added stone deflection, then cover in marmite. or use waxoyl.
peanut butter and marmite has the advantage that if you get hungry while apllying it you can stuff a handfull in yer gob.

waxoyl has to applied wiff a sprayer thingy whereas peanut butter and marmite can be apliied by hand
so there you have it, slavveer peanut butter on it, for added stone deflection, then cover in marmite. or use waxoyl.
peanut butter and marmite has the advantage that if you get hungry while apllying it you can stuff a handfull in yer gob.

waxoyl has to applied wiff a sprayer thingy whereas peanut butter and marmite can be apliied by hand

Wouldn't you have to get little warning stickers in case you ran someone over wiva nut allergy???
yeah yeah yeah.

Planes are made of alloy and other metals - this causes rust as the two react - sound familiar to Defender owners?!
if they see a LANDYZONE sticker on it thurs a good chance it will contain atleast one nut
yeah yeah yeah.

Planes are made of alloy and other metals - this causes rust as the two react - sound familiar to Defender owners?!
ally or ally alloy dint rust its only ferrous metals that rust.. that means metals that contain iron. and seeing as how rust is iron oxide you be hard pressed to get iron oxide from aluminium. but if you can, keep at it and you might manage to turn lead into gold
Blimey teshu - you get Landy advice and chemistry lessons round here!

ACF 50 (not WCF 50) is a well respected product. It's true that I've been recommended using it for the elctrolyte corrosion on the Defender but may be of use to you too - don't know - hence me suggesting you take a look. See what you think.

Aside from planes (that also suffer electrolyte corrosion) it's also widely used on motorbikes - that presumably do have some steel and similar metals in them that go rusty.
dont seal any box section or tube on a vehicle chassis/ body it will only trap water best products for protecting body chassis, cavity wax available from vehicle paint factors such as brown brothers/partco or any other non drying wax
one cheap method is to fill/cover with old engine oil think of chassis areas that get oil onto them they dont rust
im a panel beater so i have sean some rusty hunks of crap and the areas that show little rust are full of cavity wax

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