Hi charlotte
Again thanks for the info, you are ahead of me on this one. I know diesel is produced from oil and chippy oil from vegetables and at high temp its inflammable, but I thought chippy stuff came in solid white block that had to be cut up!
I have no doubt there are folks out there that have been doing this for years but keep it quiet as they are saving a fortune, I wonder how Tigapiglet is doing he was going to try 50/50
Charlotte, you have not said what your running!
The only thing I am apprehensive about is that my vehicle is under warrantee and any excuse they will void even if it was good for the engine
Again thanks for the info, you are ahead of me on this one. I know diesel is produced from oil and chippy oil from vegetables and at high temp its inflammable, but I thought chippy stuff came in solid white block that had to be cut up!
I have no doubt there are folks out there that have been doing this for years but keep it quiet as they are saving a fortune, I wonder how Tigapiglet is doing he was going to try 50/50
Charlotte, you have not said what your running!
The only thing I am apprehensive about is that my vehicle is under warrantee and any excuse they will void even if it was good for the engine