Well to use the same condescending tone, then yes I feel that given the ****-all distances you do compared to us, then yes you really do the equivalent to the shops n back. Your several hour delay for a retort was noted. ;)

We can fit in 7-8 times of France, which can fit in 5 times you. Running a 1.9lt diesel in France, as well as my other vehicles is laughable, so it you cannot manage your finances and face a light criticism at that, then it's your failure, not mine mate. You need to live in your means, or adjust. ;)

Not drawing conclusions with the masses, but the conditions which you were so keen to emphasise which most of you drive in are nowt compared to us, as are the distances or the fact we deal with every type of climate and condition...ever noticed how most of the recommended 4x4 accessories are made by us? Guessing not ignoramous...

I not only choose not to run bio-fuel for personal and technical reasons for my situation, but you won't find it at all down here, nor was it readily available in any other European country when I checked about 2-odd months ago...which renders your theory useless as tits on a bull for anyone outside your penny-pinching-oh-gawd-i-have-to-put-fuel-in-it world folk.

Don't try and make me out to be a dumb-****...if I ever feel the need to be a tight-ass, I can do it unlike the bracket of Mr laughable 'oh I save 55p'. I eagerly await the next thread for 'this that n the other isn't working properly' from you.

i wasnt involved in your argument you cock saving 55p a litre is roughly £50 every time i fill up which again equates to about £2500 a year if that isnt worth saving for you then you are a bigger prick than you come across as
Your several hour delay for a retort was noted. ;)

sorry about that i had to go help cut someone out of a car

nor was it readily available in any other European country when I checked about 2-odd months ago...which renders your theory useless as tits on a bull for anyone outside your penny-pinching-oh-gawd-i-have-to-put-fuel-in-it world folk.

you don't have supermarkets over there ? - didn't spot any during your euro venture ?

..... before you reply look up the difference between veggie oil (which is what this thread is primarily about) and bio diesel
i wasnt involved in your argument you cock saving 55p a litre is roughly £50 every time i fill up which again equates to about £2500 a year if that isnt worth saving for you then you are a bigger prick than you come across as

Well thanks for that...it wasn't a personal dig at you mate, just making a point to others ok mate. I wasn't playing personal with you, n you should be smart enough to realise that.

Look I realise there are some financial gains from doing what you lot do, but given the minimal distances you do compared to the rest of us, it;s not worth the risks mechanically or personally, esp given the long isolated distances.

I'm not buying into the technicalities as there seems to be 1% who are trying to start, rather than the rest of us who use normal 'go-juice' designed for our rigs. It you want to give me **** for using normal diesel, I welcome the opportunity to shake your hand and make aquaintences after my mate and I pop 'the question' to our respective ladies waiting for us in Paris. :)
Don't try and make me out to be a dumb-****...if I ever feel the need to be a tight-ass, I can do it unlike the bracket of Mr laughable 'oh I save 55p'. .

why would i want to make you out to be a dumb-**** - when you're doing such a fine job of it yourself ?
Well thanks for that...it wasn't a personal dig at you mate, just making a point to others ok mate. I wasn't playing personal with you, n you should be smart enough to realise that.

Look I realise there are some financial gains from doing what you lot do, but given the minimal distances you do compared to the rest of us, it;s not worth the risks mechanically or personally, esp given the long isolated distances.

I'm not buying into the technicalities as there seems to be 1% who are trying to start, rather than the rest of us who use normal 'go-juice' designed for our rigs. It you want to give me **** for using normal diesel, I welcome the opportunity to shake your hand and make aquaintences after my mate and I pop 'the question' to our respective ladies waiting for us in Paris. :)
frankly,quit while you are ahead,because your digging a ****ing big hole
Look I realise there are some financial gains from doing what you lot do, but given the minimal distances you do compared to the rest of us, it;s not worth the risks mechanically or personally, esp given the long isolated distances.

"some" financial gains - £1000s of pounds a year is what you call some ?

you keep on about the mechanical risks yet you've so far failed to detail them, come on Yoda enlighten me
sounds good to me bobbler is that 60% veg oil ?

Currently using 40% veg to 60% derv and will increase to at least 50/50 when the weather improves but there are peeps on here who will use higher veg mixes now.

If you have a quick search there are quite a few threads but i think i recall someone using 85% veg before
Currently using 40% veg to 60% derv and will increase to at least 50/50 when the weather improves but there are peeps on here who will use higher veg mixes now.

If you have a quick search there are quite a few threads but i think i recall someone using 85% veg before

reckon there's about 95% of Tesco SVO in mine most of the time - a few litres of petrol when it's nippy out, their 3l bottles are perfectly designed for filling up from
I talk regularly to fellow home brewers in Oz-to say it doesn't go on is rubbish-can give a link if interested.
On the cost,in the UK home brew bio costs ~£0.15 a litre to make-pump price I think is ~£1.20 a litre-the cost savings are a no brainer.
Bio diesel is a far superior fuel to dino diesel and a much better lubricant-hence engines on veg and bio last longer-much longer.
There are some safety issues you have to be aware of but then it is personal choice.
reckon there's about 95% of Tesco SVO in mine most of the time - a few litres of petrol when it's nippy out, their 3l bottles are perfectly designed for filling up from

Sounds about right Sean ;)

Those 3 litre bottles are great although i got some funny looks putting 15 litres in the car park at sainsburys. theres a cash & carry near me selling 15 litres for about £11.50 but it can be a bit of an arse on transferring to jerry can

The disco is getting a service at the end of the month and will be looking to increase veg then. didnt want to put too much through until i have had chance to clean the sedimenter etc.
reckon there's about 95% of Tesco SVO in mine most of the time - a few litres of petrol when it's nippy out, their 3l bottles are perfectly designed for filling up from

Mate, it was never my intention to start an arguement ok. I put forward my angle on things from our end of the globe, and that's it...I don't care how things are done your end or whatever. There seem to be too many fanatics chipping in to this discussion to make it prodcuctive, so am not understanding the need for a few people to resort to low tactics to prove a point which serves them well. Each to their own.

I mak\de a call based on personal experience, based on advice and relate it to local conditions, n might has well have a flame-thrower on me from certain people....grow up! Outside the UK, none of us understand the terminology you describe, period.
I mak\de a call based on personal experience, based on advice and relate it to local conditions, n might has well have a flame-thrower on me from certain people....grow up! Outside the UK, none of us understand the terminology you describe, period.

Think what Sean has been askin from the start is what experiences/advice? This is a public forum after all and if you know something then why not share it instead of just trying to flame. You claim to be a mechanic but instead of offering advice chose to shoot peeps down for choosing to run their vehicles on alternative fuels.

Dont claim to be the one hard done by getting flamed. did you not start your first reply with this?
Sorry, but running your rig on veggie oil would render you the biggest tight-arse I can think of
Mate, it was never my intention to start an arguement ok.

slagging peeps off for saving a few quid isnt going to win you friends here

nor is warning of dire consequences, but not providing any evidence for using SVO, nor is changing the topic to bio and claiming there's no one in Europe that sells it
the rest of us who use normal 'go-juice' designed for our rigs.

This statement clearly shows the flaw in your arguement. If you use fuel designed for your engine as you state, why do you use diesel? We here in the land of pom prefer to use the correct engine that's suited to the correct fuel. Rapeseed oil in a 300tdi is the best fuel I ever put in mine. As for your statement about bio fuels not being widely available. I take it you are aware that all diesel in the uk must now contain a minimum of 5% bio? Therefore even if you don't like the idea of it going in your tank it's tough. You have no choice.

you keep raving on about the joys of driving a 1.9 citroen xm. So what? My 300tdi 110 defender fully loaded with kit was more economical to run than my nice economical 1.7 astra diesel. I was getting 60mpg from my astra and for the same money 70mpg out of my nasty gas guzzling landy. Therefore my landy was far cheaper to run.

I'm with Sean on this. If you know of a reason why veg oil shouldn't be used in a diesel engine I, along with others on this forum, would love to hear it. At the moment you are spouting about being a mechanic and that it's a big NO NO but you have not backed your arguement up with any fact. If you know of a reason that veg oil is damaging to an engine why not enlighten us as to what the problem is and why it causes problems?
This statement clearly shows the flaw in your arguement. If you use fuel designed for your engine as you state, why do you use diesel? We here in the land of pom prefer to use the correct engine that's suited to the correct fuel. Rapeseed oil in a 300tdi is the best fuel I ever put in mine. As for your statement about bio fuels not being widely available. I take it you are aware that all diesel in the uk must now contain a minimum of 5% bio? Therefore even if you don't like the idea of it going in your tank it's tough. You have no choice.

you keep raving on about the joys of driving a 1.9 citroen xm. So what? My 300tdi 110 defender fully loaded with kit was more economical to run than my nice economical 1.7 astra diesel. I was getting 60mpg from my astra and for the same money 70mpg out of my nasty gas guzzling landy. Therefore my landy was far cheaper to run.

I'm with Sean on this. If you know of a reason why veg oil shouldn't be used in a diesel engine I, along with others on this forum, would love to hear it. At the moment you are spouting about being a mechanic and that it's a big NO NO but you have not backed your arguement up with any fact. If you know of a reason that veg oil is damaging to an engine why not enlighten us as to what the problem is and why it causes problems?

No, you not only bothered to note things which concern you directly...being myopic isn't my problem nor do i give a damn, so don't you or the 1% of bio fuel users palm it off to me and try and make me the scape-goat. I'm happy for you to use the term so long as you admit you're povo pikeys. I still consider you to be supreme tight-arses, and I don't feel obliged to explain myself at all. Rather, it's up to you to explain why your minority is onto somtething so good that the rest of the world is still sniggering at. ;)

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