you've got NO idea have you .........

Excuse me for being able to afford proper fuel mate. :p I'd prefer to err on the side of caution and use what's recommended, rather than skimp on a few cents and risk raping certain components. I understand that the distances are FAR less than what we need to travel, but cannot understand why you'd bother mate. We pay $1.23 per litre for diesel. That works out to be approx .76 pounds, but having been to England recently, I still find your prices reasonable. ;)
Excuse me for being able to afford proper fuel mate. :p I'd prefer to err on the side of caution and use what's recommended, rather than skimp on a few cents and risk raping certain components. I understand that the distances are FAR less than what we need to travel, but cannot understand why you'd bother mate. We pay $1.23 per litre for diesel. That works out to be approx .76 pounds, but having been to England recently, I still find your prices reasonable. ;)

as i said before, you have NO idea

yer making yaself sound a bit stupid now pal, might be a good time to go sit on the beach and burn a cow or whatever it is you convicts do in your spare time

SVO is a brilliant fuel for land rovers, irrespective of the affordability of "proper fuel"
as i said before, you have NO idea

yer making yaself sound a bit stupid now pal, might be a good time to go sit on the beach and burn a cow or whatever it is you convicts do in your spare time

SVO is a brilliant fuel for land rovers, irrespective of the affordability of "proper fuel"

Cheers for the advice mate, but as a former BMW and Jaguar mechanic (or as the ****ers behind a desk called us, 'technicians'), having seen how things are over your end of the world and all recently, being sympathetic to things, etc, I'm just stating my opinion which I'm entitled to. No need to gimme crap about being a convict btw, I'm 'EU Approved' ;)

I guess it's a cultural difference, because down here nobody would ever consider bio-fuels in a blind fit...any issues and you're potentially stuck hours from anyone and can die. Not worth the risk is it? ;)
Cheers for the advice mate, but as a former BMW and Jaguar mechanic (or as the ****ers behind a desk called us, 'technicians'), having seen how things are over your end of the world and all recently, being sympathetic to things, etc, I'm just stating my opinion which I'm entitled to. No need to gimme crap about being a convict btw, I'm 'EU Approved' ;)

I guess it's a cultural difference, because down here nobody would ever consider bio-fuels in a blind fit...any issues and you're potentially stuck hours from anyone and can die. Not worth the risk is it? ;)

oh your a spanner monkey, well your bound to know better - i'll stop using it immediately
oh your a spanner monkey, well your bound to know better - i'll stop using it immediately

You're welcome to continue using it mate, that's your thing. :) I would only use it as a last resort, that's all. I know that on the upcoming 3500klm drive up north in a few weeks time, I'll be using proper diesel. ;)
You're welcome to continue using it mate, that's your thing. :) I would only use it as a last resort, that's all. I know that on the upcoming 3500klm drive up north in a few weeks time, I'll be using proper diesel. ;)

why not put peanut oil in .......

you've still not explained your comment regarding components being "raped"
I know that on the upcoming 3500klm drive up north in a few weeks time, I'll be using proper diesel. ;)

my 20+ year old 110 regularly does 2000 MILE round trips up north, on 100% SVO and doesn't miss a beat, try it - tens of thousands of sensible peeps do and enjoy the money they save
why not put peanut oil in .......

you've still not explained your comment regarding components being "raped"

Mate, I'm not buying into your bad day and having an answer for everything... If you like using it and it suits your needs, then do it and stop trying to start me ffs!

Unlike you, I'm doing the distance equivalent of London to Moscow distance wise in a few weeks time, and in about a years time, am doing doing an expedition from Darwin to Paris with the same rig, so excuse me for trying to do everything possible to make sure it runs like clockwork, and not take fark-all to chance, esp for saving a few cents. Phhht
Just put in the fluids it's designed for
I don't think you can buy peanut oil in 3ltr bottle in the Uk and if you can I'd guess it'd be a tad expensive. Although to be absolutely correct you'd have to use coal dust. Which is what Rudolf Diesel originally designed his engine to use. But it proved to be a little volatile and blew the engine up. So he switched to peanut oil. And that engine design is the one we are still using today. With very few changes, to the original.

and harden up about prices...diesel is cheaper than petrol afterall. .
Nope Petrol is 119.9p per ltr Diesel is 122.9p per ltr
Nope Petrol is 119.9p per ltr Diesel is 122.9p per ltr

Thanks for the info, but meh...each to their own for savings. I'll find better ways to save $'s if I ever need to. :p

Petrol and diesel prices are up there, but defo still manageable in Europe. Running my Citroen XM? (ie I don't care/know) 1.9 diesel POS in France which I bought off my grandparents is easily the cheapest vehicle I've ever had to run. :p

Sorry, but resorting to veggie-oil is penny-pinching...well it is if you live outside the UK apparantly. ;)
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Unlike you, I'm doing the distance equivalent of London to Moscow distance wise in a few weeks time, and in about a years time, am doing doing an expedition from Darwin to Paris with the same rig, so excuse me for trying to do everything possible to make sure it runs like clockwork, and not take fark-all to chance, esp for saving a few cents. Phhht

i don't quite see how you're being so blinked - it isn't pennies it's many many pounds - you appear to have the impression that peeps here just potter to the shops and back, so if they break down it's no big deal - you aren't the only one doing high miles, personally I've done well in excess of 20,000 miles this year in a 20+ year old 110 that runs primarily on SVO - with not one single issue, and there's likely to be other who have done far in excess of that

if you wish to WASTE your money using "real" diesel that's your hardship - but please don't be putting people off using SVO by posting (unsupported) comments that refer to it's use being likely to "rape" components
changing the subject slightly does anyone use a preheater for their SVO ? and where do you fit it, and where did you get it from ?
Palace unless you are planning on running high percentages of veg then i wouldnt worry about a pre heater. If you do a google search there are many sites dedicated this.

I run about 60/40 mix with no problems and have read on here that higher mixes are ran with no problems too.

If you are that concerned you could always add a little petrol to the mix to thin the oil :)
i don't quite see how you're being so blinked - it isn't pennies it's many many pounds - you appear to have the impression that peeps here just potter to the shops and back, so if they break down it's no big deal - you aren't the only one doing high miles, personally I've done well in excess of 20,000 miles this year in a 20+ year old 110 that runs primarily on SVO - with not one single issue, and there's likely to be other who have done far in excess of that

if you wish to WASTE your money using "real" diesel that's your hardship - but please don't be putting people off using SVO by posting (unsupported) comments that refer to it's use being likely to "rape" components

Well to use the same condescending tone, then yes I feel that given the ****-all distances you do compared to us, then yes you really do the equivalent to the shops n back. Your several hour delay for a retort was noted. ;)

We can fit in 7-8 times of France, which can fit in 5 times you. Running a 1.9lt diesel in France, as well as my other vehicles is laughable, so it you cannot manage your finances and face a light criticism at that, then it's your failure, not mine mate. You need to live in your means, or adjust. ;)

Not drawing conclusions with the masses, but the conditions which you were so keen to emphasise which most of you drive in are nowt compared to us, as are the distances or the fact we deal with every type of climate and condition...ever noticed how most of the recommended 4x4 accessories are made by us? Guessing not ignoramous...

I not only choose not to run bio-fuel for personal and technical reasons for my situation, but you won't find it at all down here, nor was it readily available in any other European country when I checked about 2-odd months ago...which renders your theory useless as tits on a bull for anyone outside your penny-pinching-oh-gawd-i-have-to-put-fuel-in-it world folk.

Don't try and make me out to be a dumb-****...if I ever feel the need to be a tight-ass, I can do it unlike the bracket of Mr laughable 'oh I save 55p'. I eagerly await the next thread for 'this that n the other isn't working properly' from you.

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