it was enough to pay for indias new airport:rolleyes: bearing in mind they are a nuke nation.

Yes But I'll bet the contract went to an English civil engineering company. That's how overseas aid works. we rarely if ever hand over a wad of cash. What we normally do is say "there's £xxx pounds worth of machinery and there's £xxx worth opf tinned milk etc etc. So yes they get the aid but UK companies profit from the trade.
Can't get a council house because you have to be homeless in doncaster to get 1. Saying that somebody I know went to housing association declared himself homeless and they couldn't do anything for him. A cosavan walked in crying just after. Put it this way English man walked out there still homeless
Maybe its doncaster, to be honest I dont care anymore.1 person on a forum arguing ain't gunna change ****

Nope..but it might raise awareness of a problem in Doncaster that can be solved if folks dont give up or believe that things cant change. I wish you luck Shaun, i really do.
goodbye then :D

and I suggest you read a few if the stickys before you start ****ing people orf :D:D

Righto. I know how to use the :search:. I looked into that quite quick. And it answered any problems i had (imagine that eh?). Its amazing how many people just skip by important things to read. they tend to be important for a reason :doh:
Shaun if that's the case throw the wife and kids out on the street get em to go round to housing with all their clothes and if you reckoning is correct the sight of ya missus & kids crying their eyes out will ensure that they get rehoused. As soon as she's signed the tenancy agreement you can kiss & makeup and move in with her.. Or are you worried that the house they offer you won't be where you want to live or be upto the quality and standards that you have set yourselves??

Perhaps this is why Kosovans and Somalians and other Immigrants seem to get rehoused so quickly. Because they take the first house they are offered regardless of location or quality..
To be honest ur right. The council estates are ****holes, living next door to drug addicts and prostitutes, and loads of cosavans. They don't care because its free. I don't want my kids growing up next to heroin addicts and where people are getting killed
To be honest ur right. The council estates are ****holes, living next door to drug addicts and prostitutes, and loads of cosavans. They don't care because its free. I don't want my kids growing up next to heroin addicts and where people are getting killed

And there you have it. You can't blame people for settling for less than you are prepared to settle for.. It's hardly there fault is it??
My NY's resolution was to avoid this place but as I was bored I thought I would pop in.

I took a mate of mine up to Grampian Housing Association 8 months ago. He was registered homeless and the council and wanted to get on the waiting list at Grampian. He was told there was a two year waiting list and they weren't adding any more names to it for at least 6 months when the situation was re assessed.

Whilst I was waiting to speak to someone about maintenance there a polish couple arrived. They looked like they had literally just fallen off the plane. In their best English they said they had nowhere to live and had no luck with the council. They were offered tea and biccys and made to feel at home and told to wait until a translator arrived.

Later that afternoon the lady that told my friend there was nothing available arrived at the building next to mine with the Eastern European couple from earlier in the day to show them round an empty flat. My mate was here at the time and we went down and waited for them to come out. When they did I said to the woman "you told my mate here you had nothing available, those two arrived at the office just after we did and I heard there sob story and we've just watched through the window as they have signed, what we presume a tenancy agreement?"

She refused to look us in the eye as she said "no comment" and got in her car and drove off.

Said lady was the area manager for the area I live in and I emailed her and said "I'm guessing the only reason they got the flat is you were frightened they claimed some sort of racism?" She never replied, but then again, she always good at ignoring complaints.

6 months after they moved in who got evicted for anti social behaviour? You guessed it, the Polish. Dealing drugs, people coming and going at al hours. Tesco trollys building up in the front garden, windows getting smashed, someone even had their throat cut. Lady arrived as Police, Ambulance and CID were there the day the guy got his throat slit. I went down and sat on the garden wall with me pic n mix and when the moment arose I parped up and said to her "bet your real glad you put them in there aren't ya? ya could have put my mate in there and everything would have been fine. Now you've got to spend thousands re decorating and replacing windows, nice one".

The bitch even snapped at me "**** OFF" in full view of 2 police officers. Needless to say she wasn't in her job for much longer after that.
Also use fake I.d's, passports to illegally gain benefits, work illegally, I don't give a **** what anybody in here says, send the ****s back home

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