My opinion is UK is a ****ing joke. I'm sorry but I cant Stand ****ing cosavans and all rest of ****s that swarm this country. Majority of them are illegal entrys working in car washes, fast food restraunts etc. Goverment need to put more effort into sending the ****s back home

Yeah feckin caravans!! Send them home so Shaun can work in a car wash like he always dreamt.
can we have an IQ test for all new members joining please ? obviously I wouldnt be included in that................!
I tell you what Shaun..and this is serious. I'll take a 'cosovan' and give him a house and a car, and no rent for as long as you do his job at the car wash. What do you say?
I'm in a caravan because we can't get a council house. Rent is to expensive, 550 a month for a 2 up 2 down. Need at least 15k for a deposit, thats what were doing saving up.
I'm in a caravan because we can't get a council house. Rent is to expensive, 550 a month for a 2 up 2 down. Need at least 15k for a deposit, thats what were doing saving up.

I blame the darkys with their big penis that all the english women want.
just *briefly* back on topic:
Although as stated, its just the same as regular stuff, but with some dye and markers.

I work in a scrapyard, a while back, the refuelling company cocked up and started putting red into our regular diesel store. whole thing had to be pumped out, flushed out and had a stupid amount of time spent cleaning it. Still had traces, enough that one of our lorries got dipped at the side of the road (some 2 hours from our yard) found a trace of red, and impounded it right there and then, left the driver at the road side, and took the lorry away.
After much fines debates and hastle we eventually got it back.
Not worth the bother imo. As much as i hate the ridiculous price of diesel. (but hey, doesn't everybody?)

Now back off topic:
Road tax doesn't exist!
Road tax in a fair sense (money paid by drivers and spent on roads) was abolished in 1937. Its a vehicle excise duty, based purely on emmisions. But the name road tax just stuck.
I'm in a caravan because we can't get a council house. Rent is to expensive, 550 a month for a 2 up 2 down. Need at least 15k for a deposit, thats what were doing saving up.

Why cant you get a council house? there's a bunch of Samarlians got one down our street no problem, and they got new trainers and stuff an rumour has it they dont even have to go to the job centre.:bolt:
good for you mate.....and with luck you wont lose everthing you've ever worked for, half your family,and have to move to a country where half the folk hate you for exsisting
I predict that within 5 mins a complete arse will join this discussion.

Clue. LRO's twin.

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