Caught short in padstein yesterday with fuel light on and no garage nearer than into tesco,6 litres of rapeseed oil (£1-14 ish a liter) so quite a high concentration...ran fine,no probs at all.

Now,a serious answer this time please:) ,whats with the white spirit additive?What does it do?Im au fait with bio diesel making and methoxides but dont see what the white spirit can do to help....laymans terms please co I is a fick yokel:D
Yeah, adding white spirit / paraffin thins it out a bit.
I had a batch of bad biodiesel which was waxing up so added some paraffin and it was running fine then.
What % of spirits should you add to SVO to make an effect?
To be honest I didn't work it out the reason I used it was this:

I bought some biodiesel, I filled it up with just pure biodiesel as I usually use that only, got to about 3/4 of a tank and it started dying.
Would tickover alright, try and drive anywhere it was useless, gutless, rev it and it'd cough and die.
Knew it was a fuel prob so checked to see if all fittings and lines were fine, sedimenter fine.
Changed fuel filter, ran sweet, for 5 mins then did the same thing.
Took filter off and noticed there was what looked like soap flakes in there, then I remembered, if not made right it can become a soapy/waxy solution so figured it to be bad batch of diesel, washed the filter out in paraffin and added 9 litres to the 3/4 of a tank of bio in the car. It did the trick.
You can add 1 litre or 2 for every 10 of diesel or oil I've been told.

Apparently in extreme weather people do this in remote places like canada as it stops the fuel turning to wax so they can start their vehicles.
Anything that thins the gloop down is fine as long as too much is,nt used.
You see landy engines like lubricity.
Also my 300 does,nt like too much veggie.
Whereas my daughters partner chucks anyold fkin ****e in his 200 and it chugs along without a murmer.
So the rule of thumb is.
Put in whatever you can get yer hands on that's the cheapest,will lubricate and as long as it starts up in the morning.
When winter comes we all find out what exact ratios will work seriously.
Happy cheap motoring my veggymates./
just found a new place for me veggie oil but it hAs e900 anti foaming agent, i know its been covered already but what are the thoughts on using the stuff????
Sorry to bring this one back to life but Ive just bought KTC rapeseed oil with e900 anti foaming agent in it. After reading previous posts on calorific values SVO being 900Cal and the stuff I just got is 899Cal. The ingredients list fat content as 99.9g per 100g which by my workings means only 0.1g antifoaming agent or 0.01% by volume so based on a briming from empty 90lt tank that means there is 0.09lt of e900 anti foaming agent (90ml per 90lt) that means that you would have to fill your tank more than three and a half times to have put a coke can full of the e900 agent through your system. Dont think thats going to cause any problems in those sort of quantitys and it was 93p per lt and a hell of a lot thiner than Veg oil. First impresions after opening the Rapeseed was this dont smell of anything. Second thing it poured and flowed very freely. I have taken it for a drive to get it all mixed up and with the engine running if you want to smell any fumes at all you have to get that close to the exhaust that it will burn your face and you can just get a very faint whiff of oil and nothing else. No smoke on start up and no smoke on change down and heavy aceleration. Seems good but as of yet very few tested miles. With a saving of £33.30 a tank I hope it keeps this up!
That's not what i found, the stuff i looked at had a calorific value of 828 as opposed to 900 so around a 10% reduction!
Yep it was your post I read Odenne. Got The rapeseed in 15lt containers and one thing I noticed (Dont know if im imagining it) was the diesel clatter noise from the engine seems to have had the edge taken off it. Put 75lt of the rapeseed in on top of the diesel that was in the tank so about 20lt of derv. Might be that I got rapeseed and you were looking at the same make but veg oil??? Its KTC extended life rapeseed oil and the general use instructions on the back mention its use in preparing salads, mayonnaise and baking but nothing about putting it in 300tdi Discos:p
Yep it was your post I read Odenne. Got The rapeseed in 15lt containers and one thing I noticed (Dont know if im imagining it) was the diesel clatter noise from the engine seems to have had the edge taken off it. Put 75lt of the rapeseed in on top of the diesel that was in the tank so about 20lt of derv. Might be that I got rapeseed and you were looking at the same make but veg oil??? Its KTC extended life rapeseed oil and the general use instructions on the back mention its use in preparing salads, mayonnaise and baking but nothing about putting it in 300tdi Discos:p
Hmmm, interesting - where are you getting the 15 liitre containers from?

Generally veg oil in supermarkets is from oil seed rape, but they nearly all have a full calorific value of 900 when pure. Have noticd lately though there are a few others appearing with values of 828 (Asda, Tesco 3 litre bottles)
Macro. works out to 0.93p per lt and is so much runnier than veg that it's got to help with the flow and pumping process. When I have pored veg into my tank before you get the glug effect as it comes out the bottle but this just ran out of the container. Ran a little too fast at one point and now I have a shiny patch on the rear quater where I wiped it off:p Do my workings out add up or am I still just as ****e at maths as when I was at school???
I know how much we all like piccys on Landy zone!!!


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I think you are out by a factor of 10 but it won't make a difference to the cost or the fact that the thing will run on it.
How do you figure Boxer? if the content was 99g per 100g it would be 1% adertive but its 99.9g per 100g so thats 0.1% isn't it???
I'm concerned what the anti-foaming agent does going through the engine, it's silicon based, so does it burn off or turn into sand! However, BP Ultimate Diesel contains an anti-foaming agent too, maybe it's the same stuff. Can't seem to find out, bet it's top secret!

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