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P38 Height Sensor Calibration with RSW Software and Lead

Can you please help me to understand the basic principles of this software, I have a few points I need help on.
Lead and software appear to function correctly

The following points are after replacement of suspension units and new sensors

Car standing on fairly level ground and bags deflated with software.
(On bump stops) (Tank charged)

1, When reading values with get height
Should all values read 0 and if not how do you obtain this?

2, If 255 appears in get height values what could this be?

3, When reading values with calibration
My values cleared from the lower boxes when I unlocked EAS
Is this correct?
Typically what values would appear in these boxes?

4, Is there a procedure for the calibration?

The above questions are because I have spent most of this weekend swapping the new sensor with the old one and then ending up with the old faulty sensor so that I can get it off the bump stops.

My driver side rear sensor is intermittent and requires replacement, but the new one
Does not seem to want to calibrate.
It’s a new sensor with a bracket marked Right and has a green tag on the lead.

Any help would be great.

Many thank’s from a very cold and wet P38 owner

Can you please help me to understand the basic principles of this software, I have a few points I need help on.
Lead and software appear to function correctly

The following points are after replacement of suspension units and new sensors

Car standing on fairly level ground and bags deflated with software.
(On bump stops) (Tank charged)

1, When reading values with get height
Should all values read 0 and if not how do you obtain this?

2, If 255 appears in get height values what could this be?

3, When reading values with calibration
My values cleared from the lower boxes when I unlocked EAS
Is this correct?
Typically what values would appear in these boxes?

4, Is there a procedure for the calibration?

The above questions are because I have spent most of this weekend swapping the new sensor with the old one and then ending up with the old faulty sensor so that I can get it off the bump stops.

My driver side rear sensor is intermittent and requires replacement, but the new one
Does not seem to want to calibrate.
It’s a new sensor with a bracket marked Right and has a green tag on the lead.

Any help would be great.

Many thank’s from a very cold and wet P38 owner
Watch the recalibration video that I recorded. It will help.
YouTube - EAS Calibrate Software - Demonstration

I would start by sending the vehicle to each of the default stored heights. Use the selector on the dash to send the vehicle to each of the stored heights. Then for each corner measure from the wheel hub to the top of the wheel arch.

Then using the EASunlock software, adjust any of the corner values that are out of tolerance with the other corners. So for example, if the left front corner at the standard height is 1/2 inch lower than the other corners, then I would increase the stored height value by 5 points and write the changes. Then pull out the tape measure and see how much the physical height changed.

Any value of 255 is not correct. Try to read all the values again or try to read just that row again. If reading the values again still results in a 255 value, then try increasing the one byte and two byte delay by 10-15 points. Then try to read the values again. Any value of 255 is not correct.
Thank you very much for yor reply

I will have another go to try to fix the problem

When it stops raining

Thank you Fred

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