
New Member
A friend of mine has just bought a v8 classic for offroading, its a nice old motor with a fair few mods and im quite jealous, makes mine look like a dinky toy lol, anyway when driving along if you hit a pothole or bump in the road the steering wheel wobbles like mad and it swerves all over the road, i have checked all the obvious, wheel bearings, ball joints, steering box, basically all that you can do without taking it apart. has anyone ever experienced this problem? any ideas what it might be even? i thought it may be the swivel bearings but would they cause this sort of problem? also ive had it up on the ramp and i cant feel any play in the wheels from side to side or up and down.
If its lifted it could be the castor angle is wrong ,it will need new arms or correction bushes
lots of work no doubt but worth it...

The chain on your chainsaw icon thing is running backwards.

Chainsaws throw woodchips and blood and guts BACKWARDS unless you are cutting "backhanded" with the top of the bar, which the smily isn't.

I thought I would mention it before MOD1 spots it and bans you for a technical inexactitude.

ha ha ha ..

Also on the DFS advert when they slash 50% off with a chainsaw it too is runnin backwards and its cuttin a sofa...

It's the best thing for a DFS sofa anyway!
Then put a match to it.

I wonder when MOD1 will strike again?
We're all terrified huh?

Thanks for the help, i managed to sort it, the king pins or swivel pins rather were loose:eek: not sure why or how but i tightened them up and knocked the lock tabs over and alls ok.

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