
New Member
I have seen in the past many items referring to replacing S3 seats.
I have searched the Threads and can't find any othe than a newish
one recomending Metro replacements
I am shortly of to visit my local scrappy so thought I would do my
homework before going, so as to save a lot of time measuring Etc etc....

I know it all been said before but indulge me and let me Know what
you've fitted and what works, please

I've just put a link to a seat fred in the Depender bit think it's a few defender questions or summat.
You can make most any fit with a few bits of 6mm steel bar. Just find some you like that dunt sit too high & work out a way to fit them after.
I recently bought a set of "de-luxe" series seats from paddocks. They're comfy enough, look great and go straight in with no ****ing around. Job's a good un for about 80 quid:D
MY SIII has a set of front seats from a small Fiat that I found in the scrappy (can't remember which Fiat). The dimensions of the Fiat rails lined up exactly with the LR ones so I was able to keep the LR sliders. I just had to put some 3x2 box under them and a couple of little pillars at the back to get the angle of the base right. If you do go hunting the scrappys take a tape measure with you - you need to find the thinnest seats possible otherwise you will find that there is a fight between your knees and the steering wheel as to who gets to use the space directly above the front of the seat (OK if you are a John Wayne impersonator though)


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