My brother is mentally disabled(not physical i know) but he hates walking and asks me all the tim eif he can come out in the 'truck'(sorry WLM ill try and educate him :D )

He does live with other disabled lads so will ask the question when im there this week.
Another email from them today, nothing new, but I have replied this time as I wanted to waste some more time (response below).

Dear Sir/Madam

The Roych –Traffic Regulation Order - Update

Please note that, for the purposes of clarification, the National Park Authority is intending to make a replacement TRO on the Roych which supersedes and replaces the one dated 5 September 2013.

This replacement order will be made to have regard to the proposed works by Derbyshire County Council (DCC) as the Highway Authority and which are to be implemented from October.

The replacement PDNPA order prohibiting all mechanically propelled vehicles (mpvs) at all times will therefore be made and take effect following completion of DCC’s works.

Whilst DCC’s closure is in force, mechanically propelled vehicles will be prohibited from the Roych Clough section of the road only. Thereafter, as provided for in an order made by the PDNPA, mpvs will be prohibited from the entire length of the Roych.

Yours sincerely

Sue Smith
Rights of Way Officer

My reply:
Subject: Re: The Roych - Update (Vehicle use of Byways)
Date: 20 September 2013 19:00:29 GMT+01:00
To: Roych Consultation <>

Dear Sue,

Thank you for recent email communication.
As I'm sure you would expect I find the result very disappointing but i suspected this would be the result, as the number of people pushing for vehicles to be baned from public rights of way, far exceeds those who are in favour (luckily not everything within the UK is governed this way).

I would also like to point out that the photos / video clips used by those trying to close the rights are way, represent a minority of vehicle users on public rights of way.
I find it incredibly frustrating that so much bad feeling against people like myself and my hobby is generated by misrepresentation by those trying to close the rights of way such as the posts and photos on the Facebook page of PDGLA (

Contrary to what PDGLA claim some 'green laners' do stay for more than a day or two.
I have a family with young children. We always holiday in the UK and normally try to pick locations that suit all of our families hobbies (walking, cycling, kayaking, national trust sites, good quality pubs and green laning). We regularly drive to locations where we are extremely rural with no tarmac roads and my children (6 YO & 9 YO) are able to walk and explore locations where they would not normally be able to access.

To try to balance the photos of idiots tearing up the country side I have included a picture from a recent holiday to the Lake District National Park. But I fear photos such as this will never be included when deciding if a Byway should be closed.
During this holiday we enjoyed cycle routes, crazy golf, pub meals, Lake Kayaking, visits to various tourist attractions such as Beatrix Potter attraction and some caves and we stayed in an independent self catering holiday cottage.

My point is green laners DO spend money within the local area. Something that I will not be doing in the Peak District. Thankfully the Lake District National Park seem to be able to accommodate all groups of users.

I fear this email will fall on deaf ears as there now seems to be a will to close as many byways as possible within the Peak District National park.

I have copied in Visit Wales and The lake district national park and I have previously, and plan to in to future visit end enjoy all of above pastimes in both of these locations.

Another email from them today, nothing new, but I have replied this time as I wanted to waste some more time (response below).

Dear Sir/Madam

The Roych –Traffic Regulation Order - Update

Please note that, for the purposes of clarification, the National Park Authority is intending to make a replacement TRO on the Roych which supersedes and replaces the one dated 5 September 2013.

This replacement order will be made to have regard to the proposed works by Derbyshire County Council (DCC) as the Highway Authority and which are to be implemented from October.

The replacement PDNPA order prohibiting all mechanically propelled vehicles (mpvs) at all times will therefore be made and take effect following completion of DCC’s works.

Whilst DCC’s closure is in force, mechanically propelled vehicles will be prohibited from the Roych Clough section of the road only. Thereafter, as provided for in an order made by the PDNPA, mpvs will be prohibited from the entire length of the Roych.

Yours sincerely

Sue Smith
Rights of Way Officer

My reply:
Subject: Re: The Roych - Update (Vehicle use of Byways)
Date: 20 September 2013 19:00:29 GMT+01:00
To: Roych Consultation <>

Dear Sue,

Thank you for recent email communication.
As I'm sure you would expect I find the result very disappointing but i suspected this would be the result, as the number of people pushing for vehicles to be baned from public rights of way, far exceeds those who are in favour (luckily not everything within the UK is governed this way).

I would also like to point out that the photos / video clips used by those trying to close the rights are way, represent a minority of vehicle users on public rights of way.
I find it incredibly frustrating that so much bad feeling against people like myself and my hobby is generated by misrepresentation by those trying to close the rights of way such as the posts and photos on the Facebook page of PDGLA (

Contrary to what PDGLA claim some 'green laners' do stay for more than a day or two.
I have a family with young children. We always holiday in the UK and normally try to pick locations that suit all of our families hobbies (walking, cycling, kayaking, national trust sites, good quality pubs and green laning). We regularly drive to locations where we are extremely rural with no tarmac roads and my children (6 YO & 9 YO) are able to walk and explore locations where they would not normally be able to access.

To try to balance the photos of idiots tearing up the country side I have included a picture from a recent holiday to the Lake District National Park. But I fear photos such as this will never be included when deciding if a Byway should be closed.
During this holiday we enjoyed cycle routes, crazy golf, pub meals, Lake Kayaking, visits to various tourist attractions such as Beatrix Potter attraction and some caves and we stayed in an independent self catering holiday cottage.

My point is green laners DO spend money within the local area. Something that I will not be doing in the Peak District. Thankfully the Lake District National Park seem to be able to accommodate all groups of users.

I fear this email will fall on deaf ears as there now seems to be a will to close as many byways as possible within the Peak District National park.

I have copied in Visit Wales and The lake district national park and I have previously, and plan to in to future visit end enjoy all of above pastimes in both of these locations.


Yeh ive had the same old drivvel in my inbox too! an absolute joke, action needs to be taken soon :violent: :mad:

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