I assume when they've shut us out of everywhere they'll be campaigning against themselves.

No they will have a go at the horsey folk next. In fact they never used to bother that much about 4x4s when I was young, it was the horses which bothered them.

The horse lot are probably joining in to get rid of the motor bikes. Our horses dont mind 4x4s but the bike lot seem to take pleasure in passing at 60mph scaring the horses to death. Even had one jump over us on one steep lane once :eek:

Too many people with different agendas trying to use the same space.
Offer laning drips to disabled, to the elderly, offer them a day in the country, a trip along "wild and spectacular countryside"

Interesting you should mention that MHM..

My son is registered disabled as he's autistic. He's mobile but doesn't walk very far and he's not the best on his feet, balance wise.

Ever since he'd seen the pics I posted in my thread:


He's been wanting to "go down to that river" in the Disco. Despite the fact that this is the lane with Trailwise's voluntary no vehicle requests on it, I decided "now or never" and took him on a trip down there on Friday afternoon. He was so excited! Laughing as the Disco bounced and lurched (all this in Low First remember! no need for putting the hammer down). He loved going across the "river" (stream ;) ). He couldn't wait to do his part by opening and shutting the couple of gates on the route :cool: :cool: :eek: I showed him where we were on the OS Explorer map at the end of the lane and where we'd been. Don't know how much he understood, but he certainly was paying attention.

There was a bit more foliage brushing against the sides of the truck but the track itself is still in good order, just wetter and a bit more slippery than before - TC had to kick in for oooh about 3-4 seconds longer! :D

Glad I did it.

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that is, shirley, the way to go? I believe its a good case argument that has no alternative :).

get the disabled registering their support and it becomes a whole new ball game :).
He's been wanting to "go down to that river" in the Disco. Despite the fact that this is the lane with Trailwise's voluntary no vehicle requests on it, I decided "now or never" and took him on a trip down there on Friday afternoon.

If you remember I checked that lane out for you. The voluntary no vehicle request is old. The lane has now been repaired but the request hasn't been removed.

Far as I can see its fine to use :D:D

Glad you son enjoyed it :D:D
If you remember I checked that lane out for you. The voluntary no vehicle request is old. The lane has now been repaired but the request hasn't been removed.

Far as I can see its fine to use :D:D

Glad you son enjoyed it :D:D

THANKS Sue! Yes I remember, just didn't register about the old requests. :eek: :eek:

Incidentally, in my thread the woman I spoke to didn't like horses messing up the routes, even if some of them are bridleways so some of the more anti-4x4 or vociferous ramblers will never give up.

Part of the problem lies with US...owners of 4x4s. Unfortunately for every responsible laner there is a mud flinging t**t who goes off piste, drives private land without permission and drives anywhere they want. .forestry tracks, footpaths, tro'd lanes, bridleways .....just look at the LZIR threads and theyre the tiny tip of the iceberg that get stuck and need help. We responsible drivers are tarred with the same brush im afraid and I don't see us being able to turn the tide on this unfortunately. Motor vehicles are today's evil polluters and that environmental argument will grow and grow.:(
I wouldn't know how to go about it. I can try asking at my son's special needs school - no doubt there'd be some safeguards put in place - health & safety, possibly even police clearance if children are involved. Who knows how crazy these things might get in this day and age (some of it not without good reason). If I don't ask, I'll never know.

THANKS Sue! Yes I remember, just didn't register about the old requests. :eek: :eek:

Incidentally, in my thread the woman I spoke to didn't like horses messing up the routes, even if some of them are bridleways so some of the more anti-4x4 or vociferous ramblers will never give up.


So have you decided whether to come over for Saturdays trip yet :D
anyone fancy organising some disabled access laning?

Approaching local disabled clubs as an individual who wants to participate in there inclusion activities would be a start and if done as an individual would negate insurance issues.

Im gonna contact rugby disabled club tomorrow ..cracking idea :)
SueW - put me down as provisional yes, please. It may be that my mum inlaw will be coming over to us via the train to see her sister, so I'd be off to sunny Yorkshire on me own.

Of course you make it simpler to start with and arrange it for old people.

Obviously those still fit enough to go. Might not be the issues with clearances etc, there are organisations organising trips to the shops etc, ours could just be a bit different.
True Sue - I don't think many of us have vehicles adapted for transporting wheelchair-bound people for instance; unless they're ones who can travel in a normal car seat, only needing a wheelchair to get around before and after.

True Sue - I don't think many of us have vehicles adapted for transporting wheelchair-bound people for instance; unless they're ones who can travel in a normal car seat, only needing a wheelchair to get around before and after.


Well if you are bringing your lad on Saturday we can see how it works out. If he has a great time it will be worth looking at further :D:D
No worries! Just to clarify - my son does walk. The only trouble he had opening and closing the gates, was working out how the catch worked on one of them and clouting his knee on the corner of the Disco's door!
it depends what yu are trying to achieve. Ignoring yo personnal take, if yu are trying to gain support for stopping lane closures, yu only need peeps that couldnt walk a long distance.
Heh, my bro-in-law has a Jeep grand Cherokee on disability .. don't think he'll take it laning mind, but as he lives at Crich I reckon he'd be up for passengering in the Peaks, and on Roych, occasionally.

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