
Active Member
Just had the email from the Peak District National Park Authority saying Roych will be TRO'd from 19 September. Sad day:(
Another lane lost to us.....
Just got the same email (as normal). I don't know why I even bother to object.
permanent TRO now.
Notices attached.

Dear Sir/Madam

The National Park Authorities’ Traffic Orders (Procedure) (England) Regulations 2007 – Notice of Making a Traffic Regulation Order – The Roych

Following the July meeting of the Audit Resources and Performance Committee, I am writing to give notice that a traffic regulation order (TRO) has been made under section 22BB(2)(a) of the Road Traffic Regulation Act (RTRA) 1984 to prohibit use by mechanically propelled vehicles at any time along the route known as the Roych.

The order will come into force on 19 September 2013. A copy of the notice of making of the order is attached to this letter for information together with the Regulation 14 decision notice giving the reasons for not acceding to objections made.

The notice, order, decision notice and a map showing the extent of the restriction can be found at Restrictions: Peak District National Park Authority.

Please note that there are no rights of appeal to the making of the TRO, although an application may be made to the High Court within 6 weeks of the date of the order if it is considered that the order has not been validly made.

Thank you for taking the time to comment.

Yours faithfully

Sue Smith
Rights of Way Officer


  • The Roych Notice of Making.pdf
    18.1 KB · Views: 262
  • 1309 The Roych - Reg 14 Decision Notice.pdf
    158.3 KB · Views: 277
Just like the Lake District NPA putting speed limits or restriction on every single lake.

Now nobody goes there.

Nothing gets ####ed up but no money turns up either.


Guess it's another money saving feature though, councils have got hard winters to pay for, the Tarmac roads cost enough to maintain nevermind the green lanes, and with the CONSTANT nagging from the bobblies the easy option is "#### everyone, TRO the lane, job done"

This gets it over and done with and people move on.

Would love to know the ACTUAL reason for modifying Stanage and Roych though, no apparent problems on either as far as I can see, bu of course I am biased.
Trouble is though as this pastime becomes more popular, which it evidently is.... then there are going to be more vehicles on fewer lanes.

There are already rumbles of discontent in West Wales as the locals are moaning about gates being left open and byways originally used by horse and cart are now assumed to be vehicular byways.

Councils are going to have to stop ignoring the laners.
Maybe we laners should ignore the councils ...

They keep defecating on us from heights unimaginable, so why can't we fight back? It worked for the bobblies in the 50's with mass protest trespasses ...
Maybe we laners should ignore the councils ...

They keep defecating on us from heights unimaginable, so why can't we fight back? It worked for the bobblies in the 50's with mass protest trespasses ...

What have the bobbles got to lose.....a woolly hat????

We lose our treasured possession. Great idea if used en mass.
Trouble is though now we live in a f'kin bobble society if the councils say it's unsafe and start bleating about safety no judge in the land will go against that.
And the huge problem that goes against us is the mess and pollution which we leave behind.

On the whole part, anyone that says that a 4x4 won't leave a mark on a lane is kidding themselves. However, case in point, on a lane like Roych it actually is very difficult to damage the surface so in my opinion that argument is invalid.

Or at least the number of customers pleased vs the number of centimetres of earth dislodged is a very nice large ratio.

On boggy lanes where it is easy to make a mess I accept the temporary closures as fair game.

Derbyshire seems to have got on one recently, but at the same time they are literally getting attacked from all angles, it is a national park that is in the middle of every where, they have no relief from a coastline, just city boys in 4x4s weekending there on a regular basis.

The other side to the argument is that the nature of the lanes means you can't tell 4x4s have been present, but the argument will be that the lane is too busy for ALL USERS.

ALL USERS is a buzz term used in situations like this and we had the same experience on Windermere back in the late 90's/early 00's where apart from the silly arguments of shore erosion and noise pollution (interestingly water pollution was not heavily played on) we had a huge argument against us (as the powerboat/waterski fraternity) of making the lake safe and enjoyable for ALL USERS

admittedly it is difficult not to notice an imbalance of presence in a particular place when you have say for instance 100 boats, 100 sail boats, 100 kayaks and 100 swimmers.

Equal number of users yes but very unequal consequence.

Give me 1000 swimmers and they couldn't make more noise and wash than our 30ft boat, and that's 1000 users vs 2 users in a boat.

This, regards people pleasing, best bet is to get rid of the low volume high problem user and everyone is happy again.

BIG except is the revenue that powerboat/waterski users brought with them in their wallets every weekend BUT nobody appeared to have the brains/testicles to admit that that was a valid reason to keep the boats on the lake, or at a least, it never made it through the 'green filter'...

And I believe much is the same for the green lanes.

People with hats, sticks and sandwiches can use a lane on mass and cause less trouble, hazard and mess than a single person in a 4x4.

The situation is of course not assisted when the opposition particularly does not like of care for your concern, wishes or casual pastime and passion.

In my honest opinion we have two options:

Either, enjoy it whilst we can, nurture and protect our remaining freedom and just be glad we are alive in these times where just a whisper of the good times in years gone by are still in earshot, or go into total rebellion mode, pull the number plates off and go for it wherever and whenever we like, enjoying the best of the countryside before 4x4s are banned from the road.

I would advise the former option as the latter will simply exacerbate the problem.

We are, however, in a world of electric and green cars now, with cotton wool everywhere and personal responsibility for oneself no longer a requisite.

Our days are numbered gentlemen :(
Whenever you venture into a national park, Snowdonia is maybe an exception there seems to be a sudden vitriol against anything vehicular.

Dartmoor is a good example, as soon as I drive a lane I get the usual, "what are you doing here?"
Heh, nicely put Sam. Very valid relating the powerboat/Windermere situation and comparing it to this ... 'they' want to stop 4x4's, it _will_ happen.

Problem is I don't want to stand by! We tried being good and they still took the lanes away ..

No easy option either way ..
True matt

Problem is Paul that 'we' simply can't be mustered enough. You get 1000 4x4s together it's not enough, you need every single green laner in the country to get together, that's like 10000 cars maybe more.

And that is easier said than done.

If you don't get 100% of the population to protest then the ones that do simply look reckless.

And besides, doing any kind of protesting by driving places illegally simply makes it worse.

I much prefer the give up option because there's no point in convincing yourself otherwise. The lanes are getting closed because that what they want to do, it's a simple fact, they're not going to change their minds about safety for all users or the environmental issues!
True matt

Problem is Paul that 'we' simply can't be mustered enough. You get 1000 4x4s together it's not enough, you need every single green laner in the country to get together, that's like 10000 cars maybe more.

And that is easier said than done.

If you don't get 100% of the population to protest then the ones that do simply look reckless.

And besides, doing any kind of protesting by driving places illegally simply makes it worse.

I much prefer the give up option because there's no point in convincing yourself otherwise. The lanes are getting closed because that what they want to do, it's a simple fact, they're not going to change their minds about safety for all users or the environmental issues!

I understand that reasoning, but really don't believe in laying down and just taking it! The bobblies trespassed in thousands, which certainly wasn't everyone, and I doubt every green laner would care enough to protest, but if large numbers show a depth of feeling then something might give a little!

Dunno exactly what to do yet, I have some ideas, but I do aim to protest somehow about it.

OK, I know TRF and Glass are also trying, but I'm more in favour of a grass roots type approach .. not necessarily backed by organisations that are already known, something that 'Joe Public Green Laner' can be part of. The 'proper' organisations are having minimal effect, merely adding a few months to the TRO's, putting off the inevitable and almost adding to the grinding down and death of our amenities.

Meanwhile I'll carry on laning and P&Ping, though I don't really do much P&P nowadays, got ****ed at the number of un-registered feckwits endangering everyone when I had kids in .. might be different now!!

It seems private land may be the only way to go in the future ...

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