Firstly an apology has been sent to the person that mattered, Greenie by PM. That is all that mattered. I said I would apologise and I have. The box has arrived so lets kill this thread dead! You've had a lot of entertainment with this thread. Reading back it seems you needed some entertaining in your boring lives ;) Don't bother coming back with any retorts as I won't be here to read them and you'll be just wearing out your fingers bothering. I am off as I wouldn't get a fair trial as K5ive in future postings.
Lets get one thing straight my worry was never about the postage time just the lack of confirmation of anything once money was sent. I was maybe a bit hasty at ranting about it and should have bided my time a bit longer. Alls well that ends well. K 5ive has left the building,
**** ya and g'night, much love!:p:p:p:p:p:p

a fookin apology by PM!!!!!!!!!!!!! you slated the guy on multiple threads across the forum, you would think he deserved better than that you spineless prick.

You cant play the injured party since you wouldnt listen to others advice on here and even accused folk of condoning fraud etc. others even offered help but you took the easy way out and took money from an innocent party.

I know you say you wont be back and tbh i dont think you'll be missed but like most who spit their dummy out on here im sure you'll be lurking again soon enough.
Firstly an apology has been sent to the person that mattered, Greenie by PM. That is all that mattered. I said I would apologise and I have. The box has arrived so lets kill this thread dead! You've had a lot of entertainment with this thread. Reading back it seems you needed some entertaining in your boring lives ;) Don't bother coming back with any retorts as I won't be here to read them and you'll be just wearing out your fingers bothering. I am off as I wouldn't get a fair trial as K5ive in future postings.
Lets get one thing straight my worry was never about the postage time just the lack of confirmation of anything once money was sent. I was maybe a bit hasty at ranting about it and should have bided my time a bit longer. Alls well that ends well. K 5ive has left the building,
**** ya and g'night, much love!:p:p:p:p:p:p

Well you just proved a lot of people right. There's 1 less knob jockey on the forum!
Firstly an apology has been sent to the person that mattered, Greenie by PM. That is all that mattered. I said I would apologise and I have. The box has arrived so lets kill this thread dead! You've had a lot of entertainment with this thread. Reading back it seems you needed some entertaining in your boring lives ;) Don't bother coming back with any retorts as I won't be here to read them and you'll be just wearing out your fingers bothering. I am off as I wouldn't get a fair trial as K5ive in future postings.
Lets get one thing straight my worry was never about the postage time just the lack of confirmation of anything once money was sent. I was maybe a bit hasty at ranting about it and should have bided my time a bit longer. Alls well that ends well. K 5ive has left the building,
**** ya and g'night, much love!:p:p:p:p:p:p

You really are one totally useless waste of space. Not exactly a heartfelt apology, nor even a final thankyou to the two guys willing (or should that be actually) to mop up your tears & put themselves out of pocket for you. You say you won't be back, but you're too vain not to have one final read of all the comments we will leave here even though you probably won't respond.
You're still an extremely selfish greedy individual who has learned nothing by all of this & I for one will be glad to see the back of you. My life is so much richer for NOT knowing dross like you.

Hope you come back to the forum & don't let this selfish fool put you off. We all knew you were decent & tried to tell this greedy idiot but he's a wrong'un & there aint much more to be said.
Surely simple decency says if you slag someone off wrongly in PUBLIC then the apology should be public too, not a weasily little PM.

As for not coming back as KFive, with your behaviour i doubt whatever user name you are using now will be hard to spot.

Firstly an apology has been sent to the person that mattered, Greenie by PM. That is all that mattered. I said I would apologise and I have. The box has arrived so lets kill this thread dead! You've had a lot of entertainment with this thread. Reading back it seems you needed some entertaining in your boring lives ;) Don't bother coming back with any retorts as I won't be here to read them and you'll be just wearing out your fingers bothering. I am off as I wouldn't get a fair trial as K5ive in future postings.
Lets get one thing straight my worry was never about the postage time just the lack of confirmation of anything once money was sent. I was maybe a bit hasty at ranting about it and should have bided my time a bit longer. Alls well that ends well. K 5ive has left the building,
**** ya and g'night, much love!:p:p:p:p:p:p

permission to say..................................................

nah **** it, don't need permission to say, this guy is a

well after EVERYONE telling him that he should ave waited, it turns out....................he should ave waited.Shocking.Greenie was after conning him outta 85 squids.Oh no, actually he wot does troll td42004wotever have to say?

Lol. What have I got to say? I say your still all a bunch of ****ing spastics. Your all to quick to club together and pass judgment on people the same as k5 and myself did. The thing is, had it been in the real world, probably 90% of you would shy away from any sort of confrontation. Like little mice. Like lttle pussies you are puffing your chests out from behind a computer moniter. Check out the noobs joining in with you just so they fit in. You characterize people on here with what your collective pea brains concoct. I personally think you are all quite funny and take no offence what so ever in what you say too or about me, because its just words on a screen. You see, I dont need forums to take my daily frustrations out on. "why do I come on here then"? I hear you ask. Because I can and because I know I can say anything to get a reaction. And when you put me on your ignor list, well thats another who has become lost for words and defeated in my eyes. If I get banned, so be it. I know enough about my car to get by. :D

****ing gimps. :doh:
Should be "You are" or "You're", not "Your", within the first and second sentence.

Lttle is spelt "Little".

"Too" when used in the context of "take no offence what so ever in what you say too or about me is also incorrect and should be "to".

"Ignor" is actually "ignore".

Just trying to help, always seems a bit pathetic when someone gets on a soap box and rants, calling other people "spastics" but can't use basic spelling or grammar correctly within that rant. If you need help correcting your next rant, do please PM it to me first and I will happily correct it for you.
Lol. What have I got to say? I say your still all a bunch of ****ing spastics. You're all to quick to club together and pass judgment on people the same as k5 and myself did. (no folk were asking for patience, how would you like to be called a theif and fraudulent just because you didnt send something to spain the next day? ) The thing is, had it been in the real world, probably 90% of you would shy away from any sort of confrontation. Like little mice. Like little pussies you are puffing your chests out from behind a computer monitor. Check out the noobs joining in with you just so they fit in. You characterize people on here with what your collective pea brains concoct. I personally think you are all quite funny and take no offence what so ever in what you say to or about me, because its just words on a screen. You see, I dont need forums to take my daily frustrations out on. "why do I come on here then"? I hear you ask. Because I can and because I know I can say anything to get a reaction. And when you put me on your ignore list, well thats another who has become lost for words and defeated in my eyes. If I get banned, so be it. I know enough about my car to get by. :D

****ing gimps. :doh:

you would think with the amount of ****e you spout you would know how to spell by now, I personally dont think you should be banned as every forum needs a retard/pet and you seem to be fitting the bill nicely so far :welcome2:

no need to react to your post since you have done a good enough job of making yourself look like a cock :rolleyes:
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Hope you come back to the forum & don't let this selfish fool put you off. We all knew you were decent & tried to tell this greedy idiot but he's a wrong'un & there aint much more to be said.

:amen: Well said Chromy :D

Just as an aside though, hope everyone who has followed this thread takes note and keeps folks informed as to what's going on in any transactions.
T' would avoid some un-necessary confrontations. ;)

Now then onwards

Gaylanders are crap n the doors fall orft :D :D
Not having taken much notice of this dummy spitting thread.... Has Greenie said anything?

Shirley he has a right of reply to all this ****e?
Lol. What have I got to say? I say your still all a bunch of ****ing spastics. Your all to quick to club together and pass judgment on people the same as k5 and myself did. The thing is, had it been in the real world, probably 90% of you would shy away from any sort of confrontation. Like little mice. Like lttle pussies you are puffing your chests out from behind a computer moniter. Check out the noobs joining in with you just so they fit in. You characterize people on here with what your collective pea brains concoct. I personally think you are all quite funny and take no offence what so ever in what you say too or about me, because its just words on a screen. You see, I dont need forums to take my daily frustrations out on. "why do I come on here then"? I hear you ask. Because I can and because I know I can say anything to get a reaction. And when you put me on your ignor list, well thats another who has become lost for words and defeated in my eyes. If I get banned, so be it. I know enough about my car to get by. :D

****ing gimps. :doh:

The only chest puffing appears to be from you. The tone of your posting shows you've taken it personally and feel the need to challenge the tormentors. The **** taking and ridiculing is a NORMAL response to threads such as this on Loony Zone, as is general baiting of noobs, as you would of noticed had you been around a while. :doh:
The only chest puffing appears to be from you. The tone of your posting shows you've taken it personally and feel the need to challenge the tormentors. The **** taking and ridiculing is a NORMAL response to threads such as this on Loony Zone, as is general baiting of noobs, as you would of noticed had you been around a while. :doh:
Its only a forum you ****ing cock. Cyberspace!:doh: How old are you man? This **** is like reality to you isnt it? Like a real community in your head. How many off the others on here have you actually met in real life?
Tormentors? Lol. You couldn't torment a ****ing pensioner you ****ing pussy.

LMFAO. Does the lol and the :D at tbe start and end of my post not suggest that I do actually find it funny. You only wish im taking it personaly, you cock :eek: And the comments about my spelling just show how pathetic you all are. :doh:
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Should be "You are" or "You're", not "Your", within the first and second sentence.

Lttle is spelt "Little".

"Too" when used in the context of "take no offence what so ever in what you say too or about me is also incorrect and should be "to".

"Ignor" is actually "ignore".

Just trying to help, always seems a bit pathetic when someone gets on a soap box and rants, calling other people "spastics" but can't use basic spelling or grammar correctly within that rant. If you need help correcting your next rant, do please PM it to me first and I will happily correct it for you.

Lol. The spelling one was done in earlier post old cock so your a bit late with that one. Nice try though.

Oh look, another noob hopeing to be in with the in crowd:doh:
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Its only a forum you ****ing cock. Cyberspace!:doh: How old are you man? This **** is like reality to you isnt it? Like a real community in your head. How many off the others on here have you actually met in real life?
Tormentors? Lol. You couldn't torment a ****ing pensioner you ****ing pussy.
LOL . . . . .EEZE Bin in ma rockit on a tour round yeanus , LOL . . . .AND yes he is a cock. . . . .LOL And . . . . .he is a gerryhatrick. . . . .LOL ,AND. . . . .I fought it wur real ,LOL:confused:. . . . . . . . .shorry to but in, NUFFER FRIGGIN LOL . . . . . . .carry on fighting , LOL:rolleyes:FIGHT FIGHT BEHIND THE BIKE SHED!!!!!! :eek::eek::eek:
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