OMG no one is real on here......... :eek:

I've been talking to myself .............. agian :rolleyes:

Your all figments of my imagination..........

except Oddie obviously :D :D
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Lol. What have I got to say? I say your still all a bunch of ****ing spastics. Your all to quick to club together and pass judgment on people the same as k5 and myself did. The thing is, had it been in the real world, probably 90% of you would shy away from any sort of confrontation. Like little mice. Like lttle pussies you are puffing your chests out from behind a computer moniter. Check out the noobs joining in with you just so they fit in. You characterize people on here with what your collective pea brains concoct. I personally think you are all quite funny and take no offence what so ever in what you say too or about me, because its just words on a screen. You see, I dont need forums to take my daily frustrations out on. "why do I come on here then"? I hear you ask. Because I can and because I know I can say anything to get a reaction. And when you put me on your ignor list, well thats another who has become lost for words and defeated in my eyes. If I get banned, so be it. I know enough about my car to get by. :D

****ing gimps. :doh:

Y'know, psychiatrists & psychologists can work wonders these days & could probably help you work through some of your "issues"
Y'know, psychiatrists & psychologists can work wonders these days & could probably help you work through some of your "issues"[/QUOTE
thats the thing you see. I dont have any issues or mental health problems. You just wish I had in your little cyberspace world. Just because im firing back at you, you dont seem to be able to handle it, so you try and make out I have issues in the hope that everybody agrees with you. You obviously feel better about yourself when your in a group. Safety in numbers and all that. :D
Y'know, psychiatrists & psychologists can work wonders these days & could probably help you work through some of your "issues"[/QUOTE
thats the thing you see. I dont have any issues or mental health problems. You just wish I had in your little cyberspace world. Just because im firing back at you, you dont seem to be able to handle it, so you try and make out I have issues in the hope that everybody agrees with you. You obviously feel better about yourself when your in a group. Safety in numbers and all that. :D

You've just proved you have no idea what you're on about. I'm probably about the most unpopular person on here who's stuck around for any length of time.
thats the thing you see. I dont have any issues or mental health problems. You just wish I had in your little cyberspace world. Just because im firing back at you, you dont seem to be able to handle it, so you try and make out I have issues in the hope that everybody agrees with you.

The facts are that you attempt to be-little anyone who disagrees with you despite the fact that Greenie has now been cleared of any wrong-doing. You refuse to apologise for your critisism of him despite him being innocent. You use threatening and abusive language and claim that you are superior to anyone who isn't agreeing with you.

This is despite the fact that your grasp of basic spelling and grammar is very poor. You make repeated attempts to deflect from this inadequacy by either verbally abusing people or editing your posts.

In short it all points towards a borderline personality disorder with grandiose traits.

No need for a 'smiley'.
Y'know, psychiatrists & psychologists can work wonders these days & could probably help you work through some of your "issues"[/QUOTE
thats the thing you see. I dont have any issues or mental health problems. You just wish I had in your little cyberspace world. Just because im firing back at you, you dont seem to be able to handle it, so you try and make out I have issues in the hope that everybody agrees with you. You obviously feel better about yourself when your in a group. Safety in numbers and all that. :D

....... sad misconception, YOUR behaviour is glaringly obvious to one and all, nothing to do with numbers, other than you are heavily outnumbered in your own views.

New members are commenting, as they have read the thread, and have made up their own minds on your conduct.

Deny it all you want, make all the excuses you like, it all comes back to your comments, and behaviour.

So far you have had nothing to contribute, other than slagging off, 'we' can all see it, and have been stating the obvious.

I havent seen any regret, or remorse, from you regarding your earlier comments about Greenie, only snide childlike comments that belong in the school yard, time to grow up!
The facts are that you attempt to be-little anyone who disagrees with you despite the fact that Greenie has now been cleared of any wrong-doing. You refuse to apologise for your critisism of him despite him being innocent. You use threatening and abusive language and claim that you are superior to anyone who isn't agreeing with you.

This is despite the fact that your grasp of basic spelling and grammar is very poor. You make repeated attempts to deflect from this inadequacy by either verbally abusing people or editing your posts.

In short it all points towards a borderline personality disorder with grandiose traits.

No need for a 'smiley'.

As stated previously, meet his other ego Land Rover Zone - View Profile: rippedoff
....... sad misconception, YOUR behaviour is glaringly obvious to one and all, nothing to do with numbers, other than you are heavily outnumbered in your own views.

New members are commenting, as they have read the thread, and have made up their own minds on your conduct.

Deny it all you want, make all the excuses you like, it all comes back to your comments, and behaviour.

So far you have had nothing to contribute, other than slagging off, 'we' can all see it, and have been stating the obvious.

I havent seen any regret, or remorse, from you regarding your earlier comments about Greenie, only snide childlike comments that belong in the school yard, time to grow up!

Ah but your forgetting that none of this is real, none of us exist except me and I'm all alone on here and pretending to be everyone else and argueing and agreeing with myself..... :rolleyes:

And NO I'm not in denial.....or should that be yes :D :D :D
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Its only a forum you ****ing cock. Cyberspace!:doh: How old are you man? This **** is like reality to you isnt it? Like a real community in your head. How many of the others on here have you actually met in real life?
Tormentors? Lol. You couldn't torment a ****ing pensioner you ****ing pussy.

LMFAO. Does the lol and the :D at the start and end of my post not suggest that I do actually find it funny. (NO, it only shows you're biting and pretending it is having no effect) You only wish im taking it personally, you cock :eek: And the comments about my spelling just show how pathetic you all are. (well then try harder) :doh:

edited for spelling again

If it wasnt getting to you I dont think you would be resorting to swearing and abuse.

I have met a few members from here (some registered and some banned) and most have been decent folk willing to help out like you have seen from this thread.

Oh and Bromsgrove, I am real and on here so that must mean that you dont really exist :eek: ;)
Its only a forum you ****ing cock. Cyberspace!:doh: How old are you man? This **** is like reality to you isnt it? Like a real community in your head. How many off the others on here have you actually met in real life?
Tormentors? Lol. You couldn't torment a ****ing pensioner you ****ing pussy.

LMFAO. Does the lol and the :D at tbe start and end of my post not suggest that I do actually find it funny. You only wish im taking it personaly, you cock :eek: And the comments about my spelling just show how pathetic you all are. :doh:

You can add all the acronyms and smileys you like but like I said the tone of your posts say it all.
When I first started here I had the same treatment and responded in the very same way with my tone and comments and all I got for my troubles was abuse.

I soon realised to go with the flow and soon enough I realised it was just part and parcel of being a member here and not 100% trues fact responses just a bit of leg pulling.

But I do hope your comment below is not finger pointing at all members here on this forum M8 as I would take great offence being called a spastic.

Just cool down, use the forum for info and banter and get on with life.


Lol. What have I got to say? I say your still all a bunch of ****ing spastics. :doh:
about 25 of em... and I dont even own a landrover. :D:D:D
id say well into double figures now, the surryey lot and herts in surrey, the derby lot when i loved there, and a load of local peps to me too.And kingy who travelled to derby.

Lol. What have I got to say? I say your still all a bunch of ****ing spastics. Your all to quick to club together and pass judgment on people the same as k5 and myself did. The thing is, had it been in the real world, probably 90% of you would shy away from any sort of confrontation. Like little mice. Like lttle pussies you are puffing your chests out from behind a computer moniter. Check out the noobs joining in with you just so they fit in. You characterize people on here with what your collective pea brains concoct. I personally think you are all quite funny and take no offence what so ever in what you say too or about me, because its just words on a screen. You see, I dont need forums to take my daily frustrations out on. "why do I come on here then"? I hear you ask. Because I can and because I know I can say anything to get a reaction. And when you put me on your ignor list, well thats another who has become lost for words and defeated in my eyes. If I get banned, so be it. I know enough about my car to get by. :D

****ing gimps. :doh:
I wish i was you.
You want to be a prize cock??!!!!! :eek::eek::eek::eek::eek::eek::eek::eek:
in a world of me own, where self richeousness is rewarded-by ya self.In a world where your right even wen proved wrong, and the people that proved you wrong are the ones that are wrong.In a world where ya dont need help off anyone even though you joined a forum to get the help in questuion...need i go on?
in a world of me own, where self richeousness is rewarded-by ya self.In a world where your right even wen proved wrong, and the people that proved you wrong are the ones that are wrong.In a world where ya dont need help off anyone even though you joined a forum to get the help in questuion...need i go on?

Ah, I'm with you now.
Which version would you prefer?
The one that comes with a big salary, huge expense account and a seat in the house of commons
the one that comes with a special jacket that allows you to hug yourself all day long in a nice comfy soft room?
id say well into double figures now, the surryey lot and herts in surrey, the derby lot when i loved there, and a load of local peps to me too.And kingy who travelled to derby.

I wish i was you.

Ere dint you meet my missus ??

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