Sorry folks but some info has come my way recently that might explain old 2001ytd4's mental state & makes me think that maybe we should cut him a little slack.
I know I shouldn't really break his confidence but he's just told me that he's only the other week found out that his mummy & daddy are actually brother & sister & that his genetic complications arising from this are responsible for his lower than average intelligence coupled with his Walter Mitty personality where he feels the need to make up a wonderful but non-existant life of beautiful wife, loving family, fantastic friends, highly paid but easy job (though strangely he's still driving the same old freelander for 4 years) etc.
He also goes on to apologise for the way he gets frustrated when everyone constantly gets the better of him & can either only swear or pretend he's trying to wind you all up, it's his coping mechanism.

His confession was quite heartfelt & goes some way to explain his actions
you bastard, you said you wouldnt say anything. :(
.......hahahahaahhahahahahahahahhahahahqahahahahahahhahahahahahahahahahahahahahhahahahahahhhaha is it fitted correctly.......
I made that up, but lets not stop there. After putting petrol in his diesel I think he may have other problems.
I've checked and can't see anything from KFive to confirm the box has arrived, nor his public apology for accusing the seller of ripping him off....

Has it actually arrived?

Firstly an apology has been sent to the person that mattered, Greenie by PM. That is all that mattered. I said I would apologise and I have. The box has arrived so lets kill this thread dead! You've had a lot of entertainment with this thread. Reading back it seems you needed some entertaining in your boring lives ;) Don't bother coming back with any retorts as I won't be here to read them and you'll be just wearing out your fingers bothering. I am off as I wouldn't get a fair trial as K5ive in future postings.
Lets get one thing straight my worry was never about the postage time just the lack of confirmation of anything once money was sent. I was maybe a bit hasty at ranting about it and should have bided my time a bit longer. Alls well that ends well. K 5ive has left the building,
**** ya and g'night, much love!:p:p:p:p:p:p
Firstly an apology has been sent to the person that mattered, Greenie by PM. That is all that mattered. I said I would apologise and I have. The box has arrived so lets kill this thread dead! You've had a lot of entertainment with this thread. Reading back it seems you needed some entertaining in your boring lives ;) Don't bother coming back with any retorts as I won't be here to read them and you'll be just wearing out your fingers bothering. I am off as I wouldn't get a fair trial as K5ive in future postings.
Lets get one thing straight my worry was never about the postage time just the lack of confirmation of anything once money was sent. I was maybe a bit hasty at ranting about it and should have bided my time a bit longer. Alls well that ends well. K 5ive has left the building,
**** ya and g'night, much love!:p:p:p:p:p:p

And you have only informed us it has arrived now. ****in disgusting. I remember a time when people let you know as soon as things had been posted or recieved...tit:rolleyes:
well after EVERYONE telling him that he should ave waited, it turns out....................he should ave waited.Shocking.Greenie was after conning him outta 85 squids.Oh no, actually he wot does troll td42004wotever have to say?

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