Im not a brummie. I was born in watford.

Your an idiot m8. And your doing a very good job of letting people know the fact. You havent got one sensible arguement against me. And still the gay comments. You just dont get it do you.

so you choose to live in brum??????

i think you will find S71 is actually a top bloke, he is helpful knows a damn sight more that most on here
Im not a brummie. I was born in watford.

Your an idiot m8. And your doing a very good job of letting people know the fact. You havent got one sensible arguement against me. And still the gay comments. You just dont get it do you.

are you a parrot ?

All you do is repeat what people type on here :doh:

and you are a typical gaylander driver thats for sure

i'm not your mate

You are a sociapath who cannot answer a SINGLE question put against him/her. Then tries to manipulate the conversation. Not with me you wont boy
Why would i want to go onto the discovery/defender section of this forum if i dont own one??:doh: Unless i was bored and had nothing better to do and wanted to go and throw insults at people. I bet the lot of you are pussys who would wince at the thought of any personal and physical agression. Thats why you hide behind your keyboards and dish it out. Come on, which one of you lot is the fat guy in the picture with your socks tucked in your jeans??? Look at you all. "tossers BBQ". Theres only 9 of you there, and 3 of them are kids. Just about says it all. :D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D

god I would hate to be in your shoes when Grippa signs in :doh:
Maybe Greenies teleport broke & he hasn't managed to get the bits to fix it yet...........................................................................................

Secondly if you do complain to paypal then I'm sure, quite rightly, they'll tell you to give the seller a REASONABLE amount of time to ship out to another country before submitting a claim. 5 or 6 days is a ridiculous amount of time to wait before whining. If I order anything off ebay from another land I give the seller 3 to 4 WEEKS before politely asking them if everything is ok. Anything shipped from here I give at least 2 weeks before questioning unless I've specifically requested & paid extra for next day express delivery.

Thirdly, remind me never ever to have any dealings with you.

Your totally missing the point too. The issue is the fact that the only responce this guy has had from Greenie since he sent him the money is "?????". No other replys to pms or emails. Would you not be a bit ****ed off with that?
don't blame him! i would ask if they had a reliant robin i could use instead! (more reliable and more fun!)
hope they get his sorted soon coz driving round fields most nights shooting has pretty much ruined it in less than a month. :p don't think it'll last another week.
Anyone who seriously defends the k series engine and libels a member accusing him of theft, as you have, should crawl out from under their rock and seek mental health assistance.
Sorry I don't remember the part where I defended the K series! :confused:
I may have defended the RV8 but definitly not the K series. As for the other thing. You really don't want to let it lie do you? I think you are seriously enjoying it. Goading me into more. Well your clear out of luck today so jog on. :p
are you a parrot ?

All you do is repeat what people type on here :doh:

and you are a typical gaylander driver thats for sure

i'm not your mate

You are a sociapath who cannot answer a SINGLE question put against him/her. Then tries to manipulate the conversation. Not with me you wont boy

Your lost aren't you. Struggling for replys, replys that make no sense what so ever. I think you will find i have asked you many questions in my reply's which you seem to avoid answering. Or are you having trouble reading??
Well, perhaps he knows where greenie is with this guys money.

He probably knows as much as you but he's not calling Greenie a thief amongst other a big gob on you, compensates for the small IQ i'd imagine...shout loud to cover up your lack of factual information.
Your lost aren't you. Struggling for replys, replys that make no sense what so ever. I think you will find i have asked you many questions in my reply's which you seem to avoid answering. Or are you having trouble reading??

like I said parrot fashion repeating.

low self esteem and low iq together with a gaylander is never going to be a good combination.
He probably knows as much as you but he's not calling Greenie a thief amongst other a big gob on you, compensates for the small IQ i'd imagine...shout loud to cover up your lack of factual information.

I know more than i need to know old cock. Thats enough for me thanks.

What factual information do you want to know??
Why. Will he send me a vertual slap?? Or call me gay or something :eek:

you are in luck since he has had kids he has mellowed cause i wouldn't **** with him!

Well, perhaps he knows where greenie is with this guys money.

maybe he is using the money to send the stuff........

why is this forum now populated by crybabies? ffs i sent a propshaft out so someone as didn't get paid for it for over a month! did it bother me? no it didn't i knew he was going to pay.....guess what he did!

i bought some stuff off of someone from another forum and paid for it the stuff came 3 weeks later......did i pester the bloke? no i let him just send it
like I said parrot fashion repeating.

low self esteem and low iq together with a gaylander is never going to be a good combination.

How is that repeating??? please start explaining your reply's. They make no sense
How did you conclude i have "Low self esteem" Please Explain also
you are in luck since he has had kids he has mellowed cause i wouldn't **** with him!

maybe he is using the money to send the stuff........

why is this forum now populated by crybabies? ffs i sent a propshaft out so someone as didn't get paid for it for over a month! did it bother me? no it didn't i knew he was going to pay.....guess what he did!

i bought some stuff off of someone from another forum and paid for it the stuff came 3 weeks later......did i pester the bloke? no i let him just send it

Is gripper the guy in the picture with his jeans tucked in his socks??? :D

Did you get confirmation of payment from said bloke??
How is that repeating??? please start explaining your reply's. They make no sense
How did you conclude i have "Low self esteem" Please Explain also

like I've told you before I will not explain myself to you as your sociapathic values dictate that you try to control any conversation under your terms.

simple question for you. why are you on this forum ?

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