These guys are too small minded to understand your predicament and are only hear to winde you up. They have nothing better to do with themselves
other than continuously going on about people being gay just because they own a certain car. They cant even throw an originol insult that they actually thought about themselves. But then it is easy to puff your chest out from behind a computer screen. Just look at the picture i posted on this thread and you will see what type of people they are. Jeans tucked into socks and leather waiste coats. Quite sad looking individuels who condone theft.

First thing, I know enough to know Greenie has every intention of ripping this guy off. Thats clear to see. This i feel quite strongly is a crime. You being a lawyer should know this.

Secondly, I havent even mentioned how **** this site is. i think the site in general (especially the freelander section) is pretty good and very informative. It has helped me sort a few problems out on my Freelander. I think i actually slated some of the people on here (mostly non freelander owners who feel the need to try and **** every freelander owner off by throwing childish insults)

Third thing just about proves my last point very well.

first quote from you not an hour ago......

second quote wrong

Would you walk into a pub where you knew no one and tell them how to behave ? Most of us on here have known each other for years and have met, gone out laning,helped repair and lent tools to each other.
I could go back and quote all your derogatory remarks you've made but I cant be arsed as there are so many.

I await your humble response :confused:
What a dumb question. Are you saying that people should only post in a section if they own that vehicle? Theres a lot of shared knowledge between all user groups.

Why would i want to go onto the discovery/defender section of this forum if i dont own one??:doh: Unless i was bored and had nothing better to do and wanted to go and throw insults at people. I bet the lot of you are pussys who would wince at the thought of any personal and physical agression. Thats why you hide behind your keyboards and dish it out. Come on, which one of you lot is the fat guy in the picture with your socks tucked in your jeans??? Look at you all. "tossers BBQ". Theres only 9 of you there, and 3 of them are kids. Just about says it all. :D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D


  • gay.jpg
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first quote from you not an hour ago......

second quote wrong

Would you walk into a pub where you knew no one and tell them how to behave ? Most of us on here have known each other for years and have met, gone out laning,helped repair and lent tools to each other.
I could go back and quote all your derogatory remarks you've made but I cant be arsed as there are so many.

I await your humble response :confused:

What about my first quote an hour ago??

Secondly, the way you said i know nothing about law, i got the impression you knew it all, hence you must be a lawyer

Third, No. but if i walked into a pub and was judged just by the car i drive and i got abuse about it then i would probably have something to say about it. Would you walk into a pub that had a freelander parked in the car park and shout "who is the poofter with the gaylander outside". No you wouldnt cos you would probably get knocked the **** out. Which is why you do it on here. You haven't got the balls to do it in the real world.

I couldnt really give a **** how long you have known each other or what tools and bodily fluids you have shared. Your all coming across as arseholes who condone theft.

Go back and quote all of my derogatory remarks. I would yours but im sure 9000 of your 10,000 od posts are full of them.

And please, dont ever think i would be humble towards you.
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What about my first quote an hour ago??

Secondly, the way you said i know nothing about law, i got the impression you knew it all, hence you must be a lawyer

Third, No. but if i walked into a pub and was judged just by the car i drive and i got abuse about it then i would probably have something to say about it. I couldnt really give a **** how long you have known each other or what tools and bodily fluids you have shared. Your all coming across as arseholes who condone theft.

Go back and quote all of my derogatory remarks. I would yours but im sure 9000 of your 10,000 od posts are full of them.

And please, dont ever think i would be humble towards you.

ahhh a sociapathic troll :D:D:D

Everyone else is wrong but you.

Everyone must change or you will go get some bitty.

You know nothing about this site or its humour.

you are throwing the gay remarks around quite freely arnt you ? We all know you are a homosexual by your car choice but feel free to cast dispersions on everyone else it makes you look like a bigger tit :D

People skills arnt your strong point are they ?
Maybe Greenies teleport broke & he hasn't managed to get the bits to fix it yet...........................................................................................

Secondly if you do complain to paypal then I'm sure, quite rightly, they'll tell you to give the seller a REASONABLE amount of time to ship out to another country before submitting a claim. 5 or 6 days is a ridiculous amount of time to wait before whining. If I order anything off ebay from another land I give the seller 3 to 4 WEEKS before politely asking them if everything is ok. Anything shipped from here I give at least 2 weeks before questioning unless I've specifically requested & paid extra for next day express delivery.

Thirdly, remind me never ever to have any dealings with you.
Why would i want to go onto the discovery/defender section of this forum if i dont own one??:doh: Unless i was bored and had nothing better to do and wanted to go and throw insults at people.

Fail. As i said, theres a pool of knowledge, obviously you are unwilling or unable to share. There's a lot of help given to disco owners from tractorboys and vice versa..i answered a question about a freelander starter motor yesterday...should i have kept it to myself? No, thats the whole point of the forum. You just dont get it..
ahhh a sociapathic troll :D:D:D

Everyone else is wrong but you.

Everyone must change or you will go get some bitty.

You know nothing about this site or its humour.

you are throwing the gay remarks around quite freely arnt you ? We all know you are a homosexual by your car choice but feel free to cast dispersions on everyone else it makes you look like a bigger tit :D

People skills arnt your strong point are they ?

What the **** are you on about now? And still the gay insults go on. Is that all you have in your head?? ****ing retard.

Must be the inbreeding:D
Hang on this is getting silly.......
Yes the merlin was more powerful but it was an aero engine and the meteor was a detuned merlin that they used in Tanks!

i know of one in a landrover(i believe its called the ongbonnet or summat) and there is one in an SD1.......

Rover v8 is one of THE most famous engines of all time. Where would the RR classic be without it? Installed in many different factory made vehicles as well. Just have to see the Top gear piece on it, a few years ago.

one of the most famous engines of all time? fame doth not make something good...gary glitter for example known around the world....for being a ****bag

on that same note you might as well fit an Aseries engine or a RR trent **** the Kseries is famous albeit for its apatite for head gaskets
i know of one in a landrover(i believe its called the ongbonnet or summat) and there is one in an SD1.......

one of the most famous engines of all time? fame doth not make something good...gary glitter for example known around the world....for being a ****bag

on that same note you might as well fit an Aseries engine or a RR trent **** the Kseries is famous albeit for its apatite for head gaskets
If it's sooo bad why did Bowler continue with it up untill recently. It has it's faults sure. But then so do most engines. RV8 and K series can hardly be used in the same sentence. :rolleyes:
What about my first quote an hour ago??

Secondly, the way you said i know nothing about law, i got the impression you knew it all, hence you must be a lawyer

Third, No. but if i walked into a pub and was judged just by the car i drive and i got abuse about it then i would probably have something to say about it. Would you walk into a pub that had a freelander parked in the car park and shout "who is the poofter with the gaylander outside". No you wouldnt cos you would probably get knocked the **** out. Which is why you do it on here. You haven't got the balls to do it in the real world.

I couldnt really give a **** how long you have known each other or what tools and bodily fluids you have shared. Your all coming across as arseholes who condone theft.

Go back and quote all of my derogatory remarks. I would yours but im sure 9000 of your 10,000 od posts are full of them.

And please, dont ever think i would be humble towards you.

you have clearly never been into the pub i go into

far from it but this isn't theft nothing has been stolen!
What the **** are you on about now? And still the gay insults go on. Is that all you have in your head?? ****ing retard.

Must be the inbreeding:D

ah i thought you wanted a sensible conversation but you obviously cannot as you are resorting to profanity.

DO YOU SPEAK AND UNDERSTAND PLAIN ENGLISH ? of course you dont your a brummie.

But you are gay and there is nothing gayer than a gaylanderer swinging his handbag on the forum
If it's sooo bad why did Bowler continue with it up untill recently. It has it's faults sure. But then so do most engines. RV8 and K series can hardly be used in the same sentence. :rolleyes:

bowler had them on the OPTIONS list it wasn't the only engine they offered..... and it was always the weak point on them why do you thin buick dropped the design in the 50's? they made a better(lighter and more robust) engine!
Fail. As i said, theres a pool of knowledge, obviously you are unwilling or unable to share. There's a lot of help given to disco owners from tractorboys and vice versa..i answered a question about a freelander starter motor yesterday...should i have kept it to myself? No, thats the whole point of the forum. You just dont get it..

Wow, you answered a question about a starter motor. Your knowledge astounds me :doh:
Anyone who seriously defends the k series engine and libels a member accusing him of theft, as you have, should crawl out from under their rock and seek mental health assistance.
you have clearly never been into the pub i go into

mate of mine is currently driving a gaylander as a loaner while waiting for an insurance assessment and he is so embarassed he won't even park it outside the pub, he parks quarter of a mile down the road where noone can see him driving it :D
ah i thought you wanted a sensible conversation but you obviously cannot as you are resorting to profanity.

DO YOU SPEAK AND UNDERSTAND PLAIN ENGLISH ? of course you dont your a brummie.

But you are gay and there is nothing gayer than a gaylanderer swinging his handbag on the forum

Im not a brummie. I was born in watford.

Your an idiot m8. And your doing a very good job of letting people know the fact. You havent got one sensible arguement against me. And still the gay comments. You just dont get it do you.

mate of mine is currently driving a gaylander as a loaner while waiting for an insurance assessment and he is so embarassed he won't even park it outside the pub, he parks quarter of a mile down the road where noone can see him driving it :D

don't blame him! i would ask if they had a reliant robin i could use instead! (more reliable and more fun!)
No you wouldnt cos you would probably get knocked the **** out. Which is why you do it on here. You haven't got the balls to do it in the real world.

I wouldnt wanna get on the wrong side of S71 especially on a dark night in an alley. ;):p:D

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