Right lads.....I'll meet you in the blue oyster club later, we'll devise a plan to rid us of these damn trator boys once and for all.;)
Right lads.....I'll meet you in the blue oyster club later, we'll devise a plan to rid us of these damn trator boys once and for all.;)

we better make it somewhere else....think they've got a real ale night on so all the DEFENDER boys will be there lol
Phoofter?..... i think you'll find thats spelt poofter......ye velcro wearing sheep shagger:hysterically_laughi
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Phoofter?..... i think you'll find thats spelt poofter......ye velcro wearing sheep shagger:hysterically_laughi
Silly boy, ask Ming the chief gaylanderer how it's spelt. I int welsh cheeky cnut:mad: Is rimmer your name or are you advertising your services?
Why am i obsessed with the fact your mate keeps going on about me being gay? Because its rather strange and ever so slightly pathetic. Also not very original as i feel its been said many many many times before.

So everyone calls you gay, not just us.

don't forgot that up until last tuesday she was my brother.....

So that's why gaylanderers would think of shagging her.

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