Money sent, pM's sent, no reply to anything! Should I be worried? :(
Plenty of communication before money was sent then nothing. It is only normal politeness to say money received and item is in the post!
EEZE BIN on LZ fer sum time so he's sound, like i sed eeze fishing ,guys thet go fishing worry bout fishing furst then other fings [hope he caught a good en] :D:D:D
Lol, looks like you been ripped mate. I was thinking about buying that but the STUPID spelling/impersanation put me off. Glad i didnt now:D

You seem quick to judge, despite the above posts about being a reputable member on here!
I wouldn't worry, in a carp fisherman, I can honestly agree with what has been said about, at the time the only thing that matters is fishing!!!
He aint ripped you mate.
Lol, looks like you been ripped mate. I was thinking about buying that but the STUPID spelling/impersanation put me off. Glad i didnt now:D
I better not had, people have vouched for him off of here. I paid for it on Thursday and have heard nothing at all. Not on under any circumstances! :doh:
I am not quick to judge at all! As said before I paid Thursday now Monday. If all is well then OK but this must be the mother of all fishing trips!
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I better not had, people have vouched for him off of here. I paid for it on Thursday and have heard nothing at all. Not on under any circumstances! :doh:
I am not quick to judge at all! As said before I paid Thursday now Monday. If all is well then OK but this must be the mother of all fishing trips!

Not you mate, the guy I quoted in the above post!
I have been know to fish for up to 10days solid, so dnt worry!
Paid Thursday. Now Tuesday and still no contact! :mad: The forum should have a sellers feedback function like a lot of other forums. That way we would know whether to buy or not. Plenty of contact on here and through PM right up untill I sent the Paypal funds.
Don't panic yet, never got the impression greenie isn't a genuine guy.
He could of gone off for the week, with no access to, or interest in going online. Is he aware you've paid? Perhaps he's going to deal with it on his return or it's in the post.
Don't panic yet, never got the impression greenie isn't a genuine guy.
He could of gone off for the week, with no access to, or interest in going online. Is he aware you've paid? Perhaps he's going to deal with it on his return or it's in the post.
Normal to send a PM or email saying you have received the money and it has been posted. I know I do. People need assurance of these things or they start panicking. I have been ripped before. So as you can understand i am somewhat worried. If all turns out oK then no problem, I will apologise but at the moment it's the not knowing either way.
I am going to keep bumping this untill I get a proper answer to this. Not just a PM with the following.

patience man!Or did ya pay millyons to get "arrive before it left" delivery?
I refer to the previous post, loads of contact right up untill I paid him and then nothing for nearly a week except a pM this morning with ?????. He had a chance to put the record straight then but chose to mess about. Why is so hard to see why this wrong. Do you condone scams or something. I am happy to wait as long as I know it has been posted.
perhaps he's not received the money yet ? do you know he has definitely received it, rather than just that you have sent it ?

just a suggestion, why don't you start multiple threads on the same issue ? Oops, my mistake, did that already.
perhaps he's not received the money yet ? do you know he has definitely received it, rather than just that you have sent it ?

just a suggestion, why don't you start multiple threads on the same issue ? Oops, my mistake, did that already.
You know, if I didn't know better I would say that some people are condoning the ripping off of people. On other forums this would be stamped on straight away.
The money has completed, first thing I checked. Not multiple threads either one posted in issues section hoping that a mod can help another is Greenies post and another hoping in vane that he will come on and deal with it straight away.
FFS chill out man, you've waited less than a week for something to be sent from the UK to Spain! nobody wants to read all these feckin threads you've started about the same thing.
The money has completed, first thing I checked. Not multiple threads either one posted in issues section hoping that a mod can help another is Greenies post and another hoping in vane that he will come on and deal with it straight away.

nobody is condoning ripping anyone off and folk sympathise with you but you have posted twice in this section and once in another so how is that not multiple threads?

If he is not replying to one thread or PMs sent then he isnt going to reply to the others is he?

I have explained what to do on another of your not multiple threads on here. Cancel the payment if you are concerned, thats what I would do and assume most other members on here would too if they felt the way you do.
You know, if I didn't know better I would say that some people are condoning the ripping off of people. On other forums this would be stamped on straight away.
The money has completed, first thing I checked. Not multiple threads either one posted in issues section hoping that a mod can help another is Greenies post and another hoping in vane that he will come on and deal with it straight away.
not multiple therads?
Whats thems then?
Acting like a girl.Greenie hasnt posted on here dealing with ya so maybe hes not robbing ya, maybe he hasnt had the chance to reply to ya thread(all of em),We aint condoning it, were just tired of ya wingin about it.:doh:
Read the post properly he PM'd this morning with ????? and nothing else. So easy to reply properly to my multiple pm's as whether he had received the money and if it had been posted then none of this would be needed.
Didn't see anyone whinging about the guy who ripped people off for taking monet for VCU's. People were rightly annoyed and there are 2 posts made sticky about that.
I have patience when I know that something has been sent. That is all I am asking. Some communication.

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