What was it?

Hard to be definitive. Primary suspect is duff vac advance unit. I have loaned a Lucas rotor arm and I also re-routed the HT leads. Oh and the ignition timing was at TDC, so advanced it up to 5 degrees. Apart from that I would say it's a sweet engine. Hopefully the vac unit will sort it.
Hard to be definitive. Primary suspect is duff vac advance unit. I have loaned a Lucas rotor arm and I also re-routed the HT leads. Oh and the ignition timing was at TDC, so advanced it up to 5 degrees. Apart from that I would say it's a sweet engine. Hopefully the vac unit will sort it.
The timing at TDC would have been the issue. The vacuum advance really only affects fuel economy at cruise. Would not affect anything at idle or while under load.
The timing at TDC would have been the issue. The vacuum advance really only affects fuel economy at cruise. Would not affect anything at idle or while under load.

But it does help to stop the engine stalling when you come off the gas for say traffic lights and roundabouts. Also, there is a momentary increase in vacuum when you open the throttle quickly before the manifold then pressurises under WOT. Non functioning vac advance will cause the engine to momentarily bog down which is exactly what it was doing.

Mid range and under load it was fine, actually quite a sweet running engine that one.
Kev that was exactly the same as mine , stuart had had it all set up right timing, fuel , stepper, idle speed al the new landrover parts too. But it still idled too low and had a flat spot, it would nearly stall sometimes and did once or twice.

I had peeps on here telling me it was streatched timing chain , worn rocker gear , low compression, headgasket etc

Anyway it wasnt untill that tps fault showed up on the computer a year after I got it and we swapped it out we got it running as it should be.

I could have scrappped the car or at least the engine if I had listened to them all lol :doh:
But it does help to stop the engine stalling when you come off the gas for say traffic lights and roundabouts. Also, there is a momentary increase in vacuum when you open the throttle quickly before the manifold then pressurises under WOT. Non functioning vac advance will cause the engine to momentarily bog down which is exactly what it was doing.

Mid range and under load it was fine, actually quite a sweet running engine that one.
I think you may be confusing manifold vacuum to that used for the vacuum advance. When coming off the gas they would be no vacuum to the distributor. Neither would there be on sudden acceleration. Power likes the timing retarded and therefore advancing the timing would make acceleration worse. Sudden acceleration is catered for by the TPS and the ECU adds a spurt of fuel to stop the stumbles.

It is the mid range and cruise where the vacuum advance is operating and, as you indicated, the motor was running fine at these times.
Will have a go at the rads at the weekend , have got my new parts in the post 2 day , how do i no ive got a geuine dizzy cap as there r no markins jus a lucas box , the arm an advance unit r genuine an marked so ?
All genuine parts fitted , tick over seems ok , bit of hesitation when u pull away , put ur foot down nothin happens then of she goes good as gold ............ ?
ouch! well thats what stuart charged me , it was a used one though. I find dingo croft are best but I would phone them as there website is ****e!

Have you tried the stealer?
wow , the part is tiny too!

You can see why they have that name now lol

Try dingo tomorrow and bite the bullet mate
wow , I got a bargain! you should have nicked kevs's lol

Mybe a used one or that one you saw for 65 is the way ahead mate

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