Oh! Nah, it was in pretty well.

Just picked up the NGK's. I don't have calipers but it seems the NGK's have a slightly slimmer thread than the Champions.
Just off the phone to Island4x4.

I explained that the plugs supplied in the kit that is marked for this model are incorrect and that the plugs advised in the LR workshop manual are different. I explained that I've been told they are unsuitable for the engine and every website I go on recommends different plugs.

The guy I spoke to said they sell hundreds of those service kits and never have a problem with them, no complaints. He stated that the plugs make no difference at all to the engine and it doesn't matter if it's the earlier engine or the later Thor engine. He said that LR decided to change to the platinum tip plugs for longevity but it makes no difference and that Britpart make thousands of these service kits. (I should have mentioned that the kit also contains a fuel filter which is also redundant for this model.. and even says so on their website, but I didn't).

I mentioned that I had discussed it with people on LR forums (i.e. here) and he said you'll always get people on forums that throw around comments about 'this and that' but it doesn't mean much.

He said if I want better plugs then I should go out and buy platinum tipped ones but you wont get them the lower price (something I already know). I told him I have gone out and bought 8 plugs that are suitable for the car. Also mentioned that I now have 8 plugs sitting here that aren't suitable for the engine and he said that he cannot provide a refund or accept a return unless I send back the whole service kit. That would be difficult as the rest of it (minus the fuel filter) has already been installed.

He then went on to say that if you do a gas conversion you'd need to remove the platinum tipped plugs and put these other ones in anyway. Not sure why he mentioned that as I don't run gas and never said I did.

So, long and short. The service kit they sell for the Thor uses plugs that are meant for the Gems engine, it includes a fuel filter that is of no use to you.

They wont provide a refund for the plugs ( I can almost, sort of understand that) unless I send the whole lot back which, obviously, I can't do.

Nobody has as he put it "thrown around comments", the plugs ,as you have found out, are unsuitable for your engine. His intransigent attitude will not win him any friends and I for one will think twice about using them again.
Nobody has as he put it "thrown around comments", the plugs ,as you have found out, are unsuitable for your engine. His intransigent attitude will not win him any friends and I for one will think twice about using them again.

His argument was that LR did it only for longevity and the supplied plugs are fine. I told him that other websites, including Champion, state different plugs are required. He brushed that aside.
Well, plugs changed and no difference. Can actually smell it's running quite rich. Will get the nanocom back on it later and see what's what.
Still misfiring on cylinder 6 unfortunately. The 'roughness' indicator (whatever that is?) is also showing up on cylinder 6. Also noticed it's coming up with figures for cylinder 5 but no misfires there.

So, I'm gonna change out the leads. I've had a bit of a search about this and some say you need to take the inlet manifold off, others are saying that's not necessary but the overall sense seems to be it's a bit of a pain in the arse job. Would this be correct? Shall I stock up on plasters? :D
Swapped my leads out without removing inlet manifold, drop her to lowest setting, remove lead brackets then you can slide your hands down the back. You may have to give the lead a little twist cos the rubber tends to stick to the coil packs, take your time and it's not a bad job.
I'll give that a go - will try swapping a lead over and seeing if the problem follows. Suspect it'll be the coil packs though.
Use a digital multi meter and all can be checked using ohms. Even plugs have a 1000ohm resistor in. You can buy a cheap one on ebay for a fiver. with hold button (max reading) and now a blue screen light. HT leads can jump even though you are getting a good reading. Silicon leads break down over time, you can see a white dot on the casing where they arc to the engine.
So, new leads and coilpack arrived today.

Figured I'd start with the leads as that would be easier. Must admit, I've only done a half-job in the meantime (various reasons, time constraints) but after changing the plugs and leads on one bank it has never run so well. It sounds a lot healthier than it ever did, even before the lumpy running. It's smooth and silky.


Thanks for all your help guys :)
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I think its easy to miss some of the basic stuff on these cars, every one wants to plug them in to see what the computer says, plugs leads n coil packs always worth a go first when I did my hg I found x2 leads which were note very old and bought from island 4x4 completely nackerd I replaced them with the old ones I took off:eek:

Glad you got it sorted, iv got the plugs in from the service kit they fit and work but like you am unhappy there not the exact correct ones I'm due to swop them out at some point but all is OK at the moment

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