
Well-Known Member
Tried to clean the heater control knobs with some matt finish dashboard wipes, and they've ended up going all milky. Is there anything that can be done for them?

Its clearly because of Brexit. Write to your MP. Ask them to thwart the will of people because since the referendum result your knob's gone the wrong colour.

They may write back and ask if you have removed the cock ring first though ...
Its clearly because of Brexit. Write to your MP. Ask them to thwart the will of people because since the referendum result your knob's gone the wrong colour.

What goes on in the Brexit forum should stay in the Brexit forum. Anyway, I'd have thought the whiter the better for you guys? (But since you ask, no need to write to any MPs, I'm leaving it to Old Father Time to get rid of the Brexiteers....)
OK, washing up liquid sounds like the least aggressive of the suggestions so far. I'll give that a go first. Thanks!
It's a known problem. Washing the rotary heater controls with fairy liquid is the fix. They have a strange rubber type coating on them so anything abrasive or chemically strong will cause them damage.
Fairy liquid will clean them. They get sticky if yer got mucky fingers. It won't undo a damaged surface. The other option is buying all purpose car cleaner or something yer would use on the dash. It will only do what fairy can.
It's a known problem. Washing the rotary heater controls with fairy liquid is the fix. They have a strange rubber type coating on them so anything abrasive or chemically strong will cause them damage.

And sticky ... oo err Matron ....

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