Hey guys, I am going to take some **** for this but oh well.... I don't think that the original post was that daft. Some of us are nearer the top of the learning curve, some of us are just starting out. I agree with the poster that replied that new members should be given some latitude. It looks like he has managed to take it well, which I am glad he did (congrats to him). Any Rover owner in need should be able to questions (I like the saying, "there are no stupid questions. The only stupid questions are ones that are not asked"). As his experience and knowledge increase he will start to post more interesting and meaningful questions. Remember some owners have not grown up with them in the front lane and had the advantage of a parent that is a mechanical genius, so the only way they are going to learn is to try and do it, and ask those questions that some people think are stupid and that everyone should know the answers to.
Well let the fun begin... hahaha
Any Rover owner in need should be able to questions (I like the saying, "there are no stupid questions. The only stupid questions are ones that are not asked").

I agree! Perhaps he should have asked the vendor more questions before parting with what I assume was not an insignificant amount of money! :)

And i think if you are going to place your life in the hands of a piece of metal, and plenty do, you should at least have the nouse to know exactly what size metal you need.
What should of happened is he should of posted the questions about size and how to measure it, then answers he would of got would of sorted out his predicament. THEN he goes and buys what he thinks is right.
Instead he buys a potentially life saving item ,that may not be up to the job.

Thats not stupid, thats downright irresponsible to me.
what **** said there are no stupid questions?? if i fit an ill fiting roll cage in my landy will i still be able to play the piano??or what gaylander should i buy???
what ever happen tro common sense? that thing that tell you if soemthing is right or not.
slob said:
what **** said there are no stupid questions?? if i fit an ill fiting roll cage in my landy will i still be able to play the piano??or what gaylander should i buy???
what ever happen tro common sense? that thing that tell you if soemthing is right or not.

that would be pickuprover, he's a canadian ;)
as is ok boss. went bowling yesterday and was greeted by the usual murmur of that kinda place. then after takin two steps inside i was hit by the unmistakable roar of a thicket of lesser brained septics. huge hall with 26 bowling allies.18 pool tables, large bar area and at the very back across all this you have a pair of air hockey tables with a gaaggle of yanks making more noise than the rest of france put together. they certainly know how to ruin everyone else day.
pickuprover said:
Hey guys, I am going to take some **** for this but oh well.... I don't think that the original post was that daft. Some of us are nearer the top of the learning curve, some of us are just starting out. I agree with the poster that replied that new members should be given some latitude. It looks like he has managed to take it well, which I am glad he did (congrats to him). Any Rover owner in need should be able to questions (I like the saying, "there are no stupid questions. The only stupid questions are ones that are not asked"). As his experience and knowledge increase he will start to post more interesting and meaningful questions. Remember some owners have not grown up with them in the front lane and had the advantage of a parent that is a mechanical genius, so the only way they are going to learn is to try and do it, and ask those questions that some people think are stupid and that everyone should know the answers to.
Well let the fun begin... hahaha

Nice post .... literate, sensible, semi-intellegent. Did daddy write it for you because it sure as **** hasn't been written by the nob head ****wit droid who wrote the first peice of ****.
Well we Canadians tend to be a helpful lot. Bash us all you want, but don't forget that we have been there for many a country in need. As for my earlier post I do believe in helping others, regardless of their experience or mechanical ability. I am glad the slob's son can replace a head at 12, (personally I am not sure if I would entrust my head to a 12 year old,mechanically inclined or not..). People learn with experience, none of us here were born with all the knowledge. Granted I do feel that the original question might have been worded better, but the general idea was there. He was asking for help as he had a feeling that the roll cage (that a supposed reputable shop had said was the right one) was in fact not the right one. So I think that he did a reasonable thing and asked if anyone could verify some measurements. He would have been incredibly stupid if he had of kept going and tried to install the cage, and either do major damage to the truck in his attempt to install, or sustained serious injury if he rollerd and it failed due to being improper.
Well we will have to wait and see what our fearless leader Slob thinks of this post.. can't wait to read his thoughtful and interesting replies.
Good job that you don't drive a Gaylander, you would never have madeit through the mud onto the moral high ground.

Your a church goer, aren't you?

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