the garage took my old pistons off me to dispose of. There wasn't a number either, just 'STD' stamped next to an arrow. The engines running well now anyways so I'm not going to dismantle it and start checking everything. If it starts burning oil and the blow by gets worse over time I will have the pistons out again or just upgrade to a 200 tdi.

the garage took my old pistons off me to dispose of. There wasn't a number either, just 'STD' stamped next to an arrow. The engines running well now anyways so I'm not going to dismantle it and start checking everything. If it starts burning oil and the blow by gets worse over time I will have the pistons out again or just upgrade to a 200 tdi.


No probs, good luck.
Cheers David
Mine were standard too its not the blowback that worries me just a small staining on my chassis. its the lack of power if this was to improve i would strip it down again and realine the rings as you indicated.
Cheers David
Mine were standard too its not the blowback that worries me just a small staining on my chassis. its the lack of power if this was to improve i would strip it down again and realine the rings as you indicated.

Duno, hard to say whats gone wrong with your rebuild, if you never de-glazed it properly the rings would never bed in, or perhaps the rings are so badly aligned that a large proportion of your compression is going into the crankcase, or perhaps the ridge on the top of the bore broke the top ring on a piston or more. Or perhaps you have your timing too far retarded, it's a shame that there is so little adjustment on these pumps, but the little that you can move it does make a difference.

I had a guy once that fitted chrome rings and had to take them back off because they wouldn't bed in, too hard.

I guess it is not going to get better now, I would have expected the rings to have bedded into the bores by now, and it's possible that it will get worse, and remember the longer you leave it the more **** that is being deposited in the form of carbon onto the pistons.

If you do strip it again take one of the top piston rings off and place it in the bore and push it down to the bottom and do the check on the gap. Use a piston to do this and if you dont have an old piston then take the rings completly off one of the pistons, I guess you might break one if you are not carefull but that's life, it's no use trying it with the rings on.

If the gaps are massive then you might get away with oversize rings, sizing them again and grinding carefully the ends down to the required gap which I think is only about 25 thou.

When the ring is in the bore, and a new ring is the job for this, place the ring in several positions and with a light up the bore look to see if any light is passing between the ring and the bore. If it's oval then you are fooked it's never goin to work, get some fooker with a boring bar to romp it out in place and fit oversize pistons, good ones, dunt put ****e in it.

In relation to yer head turn it upside down and if it aint got combustion chambers cut into it that will allow yer to fill with parrafin, turps or sumut, then get some putty or blue tak and make a little wall around them. Fill them with the parrafin and watch to see how quickly it runs away past the valves. On a reground valve with perfect seats it dunt, so you can guage it on that, if its ****ing right through then yer gona have to take the valves out and try and grind them in if they are not fooked, and need reground and recut.

Also with the valve springs off you need to lift the valve slightly off the seat and rock it with your fingers to check the valve guides, if they are gone then your valves pound the seats at the wrong angles and they burn again coz they never seat properly. In extream conditions the head can break off the valve, or it drops a valve, but it's rare, so dunt worry about that.

All the rest of the ****e like valve springs and that is ****e unless one is broke, measuring the length of them is a waste of time, just place them all in a line and see that they are all about the same height.

Hope that helps.
Hi David
When you say the timing being too far retarded do you mean the fuel timing as the power did seem to go all of a sudden. There is a small fuel leak coming from the top of the injector pump do you think this may be related to the loss of power.
Hi David
When you say the timing being too far retarded do you mean the fuel timing as the power did seem to go all of a sudden. There is a small fuel leak coming from the top of the injector pump do you think this may be related to the loss of power.

The pump timing yes, but usually if the pump is retarded you tend to get white smoke as well, particularily on start up from cold where it tends to missfire as well.

Don't know what is leaking but I guese it's best to investigate.

When you say the power went all of a sudden, is this in conjunction with the back pressure then? It is running on all 4 cylinders, have you tried cracking each injector off at the pipe one at a time and listening to the difference in note, you might get an idea if it's one cylinder that's letting you down.

Tappets ok?
The blow bvack has nearly always been there to one degree or another but the power seemed to drop all of a sudden one weekend i could fly out of my turning then the next the power just didnt seem to be there its like theres just something not right and more so in 4th and 5th. Lower gears arnt too bad but as soon as its in 4th slightest slope and i need to drop a gear. Was gonna try that today with the injectors but its been peeing down allday so looks like thats for next weekend now. Ive done about 400 miles since my rebuild now, so ill retorque the head down and re adjust all the tappets. can you adjust the timing of the injector pump or should i leave it to the experts like the workshop manual says.
The blow bvack has nearly always been there to one degree or another but the power seemed to drop all of a sudden one weekend i could fly out of my turning then the next the power just didnt seem to be there its like theres just something not right and more so in 4th and 5th. Lower gears arnt too bad but as soon as its in 4th slightest slope and i need to drop a gear. Was gonna try that today with the injectors but its been peeing down allday so looks like thats for next weekend now. Ive done about 400 miles since my rebuild now, so ill retorque the head down and re adjust all the tappets. can you adjust the timing of the injector pump or should i leave it to the experts like the workshop manual says.

If you are sure that it is running on all 4 cylinders and one has not dropped out then, I would ask you again, is it smokey.

Start with the basics again, has the timing gone out for some reason, it seems that this engine can suffer from worn keys in the crankshaft, particularilly so if you have not tightned it up properly, so give it a check and see if it is loose, and I know it's a pain in the arse but you are going to have to get them pins back in again to check the timing.

If you have not removed the gear from the pump then I see no reason to get a specialist.

Take your fuel filter off and check the seals are not damaged or if there is a load of **** around the top of it, if there is replace it, also drain it down from the bottom, don't tip it out and check to see if it's full of ****, a blocked filter would give this loss of power.

Injectors normally wear in a fashion that gives black smoke, over fueling coz the nozzels are worn, your symptoms, sudden like that would be one failing and shutting down a cylinder, but thats rare since if it cant inject then there would be a build up of fuel and something has to go. It's like when I attend a breakdown with a burst injector pipe you cant fold it over, you have to bend it and stick a hose on to let the fuel run onto the road to get it home, bend it and the pump would burst.

Hope the pump has not died, but there is a thread on pumps, where a guy upgraded his to get more oomph, have a search for that, it will show the bit on yours hopefully which is leaking and what is in there.
just a bit. seems its been off the road more than on lately alternator, starter motor, hand brake,fuel tank, new brake system, new wheel bearings oh and 2 head gaskets and a rebuild some where in between. And thats not including the bling extras I just had to do or have. Still I suppose thats what they call a landy thing ay.
just a bit. seems its been off the road more than on lately alternator, starter motor, hand brake,fuel tank, new brake system, new wheel bearings oh and 2 head gaskets and a rebuild some where in between. And thats not including the bling extras I just had to do or have. Still I suppose thats what they call a landy thing ay.

You changed the fuel tank,new, second hand, I wonder if it was clean, in particular the pick up pipe, it might be worthwhile checking as well that you are getting a good supply of fuel, I imagine that this could be done with the hand pump.

Hey look on the bright side, you are becoming an expert.
Oh no had to be a new one, cleaned all the uptake pipe. so gonna pump onwards. Dont know bout the expert bit though always seem to thump something or cut myself. Thinking of getting a few shares in elasterplast. :)
Oh no had to be a new one, cleaned all the uptake pipe. so gonna pump onwards. Dont know bout the expert bit though always seem to thump something or cut myself. Thinking of getting a few shares in elasterplast. :)

As long as when yer injur yerself there's nobody there, coz then you have to look tough, rather than hoppin about like a prat like I do.

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