Look at the kick up now and it hasn't even started. Wait to people get their tax renewal and it says double the usual amount. There'll be pandamonium!

I also think that it will be binned as it's a total blunder.

My mate thinks that the Tories will get in next and we'll be ok on the tax as they brought in the free tax for pre 1973 cars, or whatever.
Most of the work force of a firm near where I work are planning on paralysing the city in a few weeks with their vans, there are about 60 of them, based on the fact that if 2 of the major arteries through the city get slightly blocked with road works it causes mayhem they figure a load of well placed "breakdowns" and "slow convoys" will get some attention.

I am not condoning this but I think it will be interesting to see what happens - probably a lot of traffic cops throwing their weight around.
My mate thinks that the Tories will get in next and we'll be ok on the tax as they brought in the free tax for pre 1973 cars, or whatever.
Are you old enough to remember the last time they were in power? If not ask yer parents wot interest rate they were paying on their mortgages, Wot the inflation rate was, how much their food bills were. Fook me I could only afford petrol for traveling to work an that was six miles a day six days a week as a skilled Centre Lathe Turner. You'll get a rude awakening soon the fookin lot of yer.
Are you old enough to remember the last time they were in power? If not ask yer parents wot interest rate they were paying on their mortgages, Wot the inflation rate was, how much their food bills were. Fook me I could only afford petrol for traveling to work an that was six miles a day six days a week as a skilled Centre Lathe Turner. You'll get a rude awakening soon the fookin lot of yer.
Yeah I remember "Thatchers Britain" the death of british manufacturing and the wholesale ****ing of the "working class man". I think that the population are stuck between the devil and the deep blue sea as they know we are getting shafted by the labour party but some remember the attrocities carried out by the tories, so what way do you turn. The whole political debate is a bit beyond me really but I do feel that the "green" issues constantly rammed down the voting publics throats by the activists, have developed a sort of fashion to be followed by the people who are prepared to follow like sheep in order to boast a clean conscience. I'm in transport and we have been persistantly shafted over the last 15-20 years. Get the lorries off the road, reduce congestion, reduce carbon emmissions and all that malarky. Its easy for these muppets to get on their politically correct hats when they are getting ready to go shopping at the 24 hour supermarket which is open 7 days a week knowing that the shelves are likely to be fully stocked, or to be able to sit in front o a computer and do al sorts of shopping on line knowing it'll be delivered within a few days, products from all around the world too...well how the fook do the consumers goods get there, not horse and cart or canal boat thats for sure.
I figure the reason this country is on its knees is cause we have allowed it. Take a leaf outa the froggies book, they dont stand no messing do they. The country is going to get worse and thats it, but at least we'll be able to say we are doing our bit to save the planet and that we are a welcoming nation that will allow all migrants to enter, and even if they enter illegally, we'll give em free accomodation and healthcare! No wonder the government are trying to raise more revenue. If I tell my customers that the rates are going to have to go up 25% cause the fuel/insurance and tax are going up, they'll tell me to fook off! The government are increasing their "rates" and we have just said over the last 10 years "ok, thats fine, any chance of increased earnings? No? oh well thats fine too, we'll just sit here and watch you fook us wholesale"....better get another credit card and run that up!
You can have my vote Pauly, And all this recycling lark is all well and good, but the bulk of it get put on a ship and sent to a big hole in the ground in china, So that the local authorities can show they are cutting back on landfill. Its all bollocks one big con and were the suckers that sit back and take it.
What ****es me off is that if I were to personally offset all of my carbon emissions, the government would still charge me exactly the same, with the same premium for having an 'environmentally unfriendly' car etc etc... If they *really* wanted it to be fair, they should tax people per mile, taking into account the emissions (I know fuel tax works like this, but in that case scrap road tax or something). Like any of my road tax goes to planting trees anyway... Bastards.
I would be deluded if I belived that voting in the Tories would stop this one way flow of money from my pocket to the treasury.

" Doesnt matter who you vote for, the government will always get in "!!!.

Labour or Conservative , you cant tell me theres a differance !!.
All polititions are in it for themselves and only consider their constituants when its election time.

Who,d of thought ,under a Labour government, there would be hedge fund managers making millions of pound in bonuses and big business bosses awarding themselves massive pay increases. Need I say more than Mr. Crozier of the Royal Mail !!.

Lets stick to the point.

I love my Discovery and have grown up with Landrovers on the farm. This outragous tax proposal would seriously hit the value of a lot of our vehicles and make a great car ,pretty much, out of reach to run.

Even greenpeace condemed these proposals saying that it gives the " Green " cause a bad name !.

" Doesnt matter who you vote for, the government will always get in "!!!.

Labour or Conservative , you cant tell me theres a differance !!.
All polititions are in it for themselves and only consider their constituants when its election time.

Ere ere. Don't vote fer the fookers. It only encourages em.:D
I am told that if I dont vote then I am not entitled to an opinion on the matter !!.

Surely its better note to vote at all rather than just vote to get someone out !.

It frightens the crap out of me that the next Prime Minister might be Alistair Cambel !!.
I am told that if I dont vote then I am not entitled to an opinion on the matter !!.

Surely its better note to vote at all rather than just vote to get someone out !.

It frightens the crap out of me that the next Prime Minister might be Alistair Cambel !!.

What a load of ****e It's a fooking democracy yer can opinionate on owt yer want. I've never owned a gaylander but I still tell everyone that'll listen how ****e they are.

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