any of you ****ing bottless c***s wanna ring me tell me wat u fink instead off putting childish little boy remarks on here!! u got my number!

Instead of going on the attack why not defend your vehicle and explain to us WHY it's all legit? From the description that YOU have given it certainly gives the impression that somthing isn't right. That means that before anyone bids on what could turn out to be a dodgy vehicle they would be wise to research on it.

For example seing it has the engine and chassi from a TD5, How do the points tally up for it to remain on it's original 1992 plate?

Simple explanations like that will get you further than posting YOUR childish comments on here.
robin said you looked like sir clive sinclair and were about 6 it true ? :eek:

sounds about right....mind you 5 stone of that is me arms....must look into PAS one of these days :rolleyes:
Funny seein his blinged up rangie next to me 2a......was like matter and anti-matter......couldn't shake the feeling that if they touched the universe would implode :D
Instead of going on the attack why not defend your vehicle and explain to us WHY it's all legit? From the description that YOU have given it certainly gives the impression that somthing isn't right. That means that before anyone bids on what could turn out to be a dodgy vehicle they would be wise to research on it.

For example seing it has the engine and chassi from a TD5, How do the points tally up for it to remain on it's original 1992 plate?

Simple explanations like that will get you further than posting YOUR childish comments on here.

gibberb has gone strangly quiet...........
sounds about right....mind you 5 stone of that is me arms....must look into PAS one of these days :rolleyes:
Funny seein his blinged up rangie next to me 2a......was like matter and anti-matter......couldn't shake the feeling that if they touched the universe would implode :D

went to pick up me new roof rack today and the place I went to that I wont give out the location on an open forum was pure landy porn :D:D:D everywhere you looked there were 'proper landys':D:D:D
any of you ****ing bottless c***s wanna ring me tell me wat u fink instead off putting childish little boy remarks on here!! u got my number!

awww makes me all warm inside and proud to be a fellow Landy owner.

Judging from your response you are exactly the kind of scummy illiterate jobless cưnt who I would completely expect couldnt obtain one honestly....

Expect the 6am knock if I were you;)
Is this for real? Is the seller from eBay the one calling us bottless ****s? Surely if it was genuine he would be explaining the vehicle? Understanding our concerns re stolen land rovers? Anyone phoned him?
We should arrange a viewing of the vehicle...
any of you ****ing bottless c***s wanna ring me tell me wat u fink instead off putting childish little boy remarks on here!! u got my number!


should set himself up as Boomerang motors.......always come back coz its a pile of ****e.
hmmmm its in fookin doncaster aswell ( now aint there a gang of landy theives operating from that area somewhere )

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