1) if the veiwing address is a rundown council house ......BEWARE
2) if the land rover is in the front garden surounded by old tele,s scrap cars and piles of dog crap ect.....BEWARE
3) if the owner ? is a shaven headed monkey who struggles to join two words together other than social security............BEWARE
4) then ask your self a question ! whats this monkey doing with a motor like this ? At this point alarm bells should start ringing !!!! unless you really want to sponser his thieving habits ;) with your hard earned cash
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There are some complete cocks out there. If someone was questioning the actual identity on a vehicle, a legit person would willingly give everything you had to prove the identity. I know my spelling is, at times, crap. But even I would go right through my listing a coulpe of times to check it was all ok. And would put a lot more info on there so people actuall know what they looking at. When i got my rangy there was a fair bit of info on the listing. As it was local to where I work I popped round during the day and had a look round it. When I arranged with the chap to go and view all I had left to do was drive it and check everything worked. But if people are putting haha on the end alarm bell start ringing instant. As for the chap selling a landy to a "stealer" for the id. I would have told the buyer to do one and reported him.
Sorry... i should have aimed this at the first time land rover buyers!! you know the type ie young / got lot,s a money / want a land rover with everthing on it ... these people are easy prey for the thieving scumbags out there..... most of you guys on this forum are smart enough to spot these dodgy postings :D
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1) if the veiwing address is a rundown council house ......BEWARE
2) if the land rover is in the front garden surounded by old tele,s scrap cars and piles of dog crap ect.....BEWARE
3) if the owner ? is a shaven headed monkey who struggles to join two words together other than social security............BEWARE
4) then ask your self a question ! whats this monkey doing with a motor like this ? At this point alarm bells should start ringing !!!! unless you really want to sponser his thieving habits ;) with your hard earned cash

You're right. I went to look at one and even before I got there my uncle bet me it was nicked just cos of the area. He was right. I was worried our new disco wasn't going to be there when we got back. I spent less than a minute looking at it and left.

I bought my fender from a nice country house with a few other cars there. They obviously weren't hard up.

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