
New Member
Hi, i decided to buy a w reg p38 a week ago and i absolutely love it. I know i'm going to have problems and don't mind getting my hands dirty. I purchased an EAS diagnostic reader but haven't received / installed it yet. My first problem (i'm sure there'll be many more) is that it wants to keep riding to its highest setting. I don't think its a compressor or leak issue as it goes up very quickly and stays up overnight. It does take a long time to go down. I'm thinking valve block or ride height sensors. Any ideas?

PS Its fine when i get above 50mph, drops to motorway height straight away!!!!
You mean it's going up to wading height, top indicator lit on the EAS display?
If so diagnostics are the first step, could be many things.
Good idea to put your location.
:welcome2: to the mad house.
Measure the ride heights.....

Measure from the centre of the Wheel Arch to the Centre of the Wheel Rim and see if it conforms to the attached.....then report back...!!



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Yes, its going up to the top. Get's there quickly but when i select the normal ride height it takes ages to come down. As soon as i pull off it goes back up again. No warning lights or faults on dash as yet. South Wales
Hi & Welcome.

I cant help with the fault but you could try pressing the inhibit switch when it hits motorway height. This should lock it at motorway height whatever speed you are doing. Not a long term fix (until you get the diagnostic kit) but is safer than running around at highest ride which could cause some scary body roll.
PS, its regarded good form to introduce yourself on here first before posting your first problem.
Yes, its going up to the top. Get's there quickly but when i select the normal ride height it takes ages to come down. As soon as i pull off it goes back up again. No warning lights or faults on dash as yet. South Wales
When goes to the high ride height - does the selector switch indicate it is at High or still at Standard??? as Datatek had asked?
Yes, its going up to the top. Get's there quickly but when i select the normal ride height it takes ages to come down. As soon as i pull off it goes back up again. No warning lights or faults on dash as yet. South Wales
So come back when you have diagnostics with the fault list, what have you bought, the RSW EAS suite and cable?
Could be leaks in the valve block or driver pack but no point in guessing until you have some data.
Apologies for not introducing myself first. As i said i'm a new RR owner after finally working close enough to my house that the mpg doesn't effect me. Living near Pontypridd in South Wales. At the moment its parked up at what i think looks right and the orange light is permanently illuminated against the straight line. The distance between centre of wheel and arch is 45cm. When i pull of though it will rise considerably. I'll be able to get this height later.
Yes i've bought the RSW diagnostic and cable. Yes the lights are illuminating in their correct positions. However, as ive said when its at its highest and i select the straight line. The orange light flashes against this and it takes about 5 minutes to go down to it. Only to flash back up against the wade height as soon as i pull off.
Yes i've bought the RSW diagnostic and cable. Yes the lights are illuminating in their correct positions. However, as ive said when its at its highest and i select the straight line. The orange light flashes against this and it takes about 5 minutes to go down to it. Only to flash back up against the wade height as soon as i pull off.

Use the lock button and see if it still does it.
Hope you didn't pay more than £11 plus P&P for the cable LOL.
Not too much more. £19 incl p&p. I cant get it to install on my laptop at present. Dont seem to have the correct Adobe download. Sorry i forgot to say i've tried the lock button but that doesn't work!
Not too much more. £19 incl p&p. I cant get it to install on my laptop at present. Dont seem to have the correct Adobe download. Sorry i forgot to say i've tried the lock button but that doesn't work!
Adobe? Not relevant with the EAS software, sounds like you are trying to open the instruction PDF. Is the cable USB or serial? Are you running Vista?? If yes to either or both driver problems are common. You also need to download Microsoft netframework 2 or above to rune the EAS software.
If it goes up with the lock button activated, then I would say valve block or driver pack are the most likely.
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When i try to download the eas software it say's "comms initialistation failed" configure your comms port from the eas dropdown menu. However when i click ok the suite does come up. Can i just plug it in?
When i try to download the eas software it say's "comms initialistation failed" configure your comms port from the eas dropdown menu. However when i click ok the suite does come up. Can i just plug it in?

No, you select the correct port from the drop down menu as it says. Top left corner move cursor over eas and the drop down menu will appear, comm 4 is a common one that works.
Thanks, i'll try that shortly and get back to you. I take it i just click "read faults" when its connected.
Open the software, plug it in, turn the ignition to position 2 and hit the start button, if it's working you will get a green good idle button and 3 beeps from the car and the slow 35mph message. If you don't get Good Idle it will do nothing, you may have to try different ports. If you get Good Idle, read the faults, unlock the EAS and read again, note the faults from the second reading and come back with them. I'm off to get dinner now.
Its plugged in all working and has identified 51 faults!!!! Things like RR and RL stuck closed. Same valves stuck open also. There is also a Tx (whatever that is constantly running it up over a 100 at present. Can i clear these?

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