Here you go:
Certainly a lot of P38 owners on here have this.

Oh this, and by coincidence I had already downloaded it, but from your link it would appear to be quite an advanced bit of software, so does the existance of this not render our proposed project pointless?

Aren't we simply attempting to re-invent the wheel here?

What can't this do that we want the new software to do?
Oh this, and by coincidence I had already downloaded it, but from your link it would appear to be quite an advanced bit of software, so does the existance of this not render our proposed project pointless?

Aren't we simply attempting to re-invent the wheel here?

What can't this do that we want the new software to do?

This only does the EAS stuff. We could do with something that does everything else! (ie ECU, HEVAC etc).

Oh this, and by coincidence I had already downloaded it, but from your link it would appear to be quite an advanced bit of software, so does the existance of this not render our proposed project pointless?

Aren't we simply attempting to re-invent the wheel here?

What can't this do that we want the new software to do?

the 'dude' as you put it is already working on something, a 'interpreter' or 'box of tricks' of some description.

i was in contact recently with him, nice chap, his eas suite doesnt use any interpreters or box of tricks. so there has to be a way of sending the signals down without any secondary kit, at least for the airbag system.

i have been looking at the t4 software, it doesnt look that complex really!

i need the landrover disc to see what changes there are if any, i know landrover need rds 6/7 and then a 'model/marque' disc
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That's funny.

Well I guess we know where you stand on this then.

don't worry, his inability to string a valid sentance together doesnt make him wrong, just annoying!!!

ssssh, sean, that wasn't a que for you to pipe up with the usual bile!!!

now, bugger off whilst us adults talk about adult things!!:D:D:D
did you get my email?

is that windows sky drive anygood? maybe we can use it to share docs etc?

did you have a look at the t4 software, i managed to get it working in a sun, virtualbox xp install.

i'd like to know what you think of the programs that are in there?
Maybe I'm over simplifiying things, but there is plenty of T4 software floating around (copyright issues aside) and as I understand it it uses a network connection to communicate with the car via a module which presumably converts network packets into a serial stream, wouldn't it be easier to write something capable fooling it into redirecting/converting the network traffic to the USB or serial ports rather than starting from scratch?
don't worry, his inability to string a valid sentance together doesnt make him wrong, just annoying!!!

ssssh, sean, that wasn't a que for you to pipe up with the usual bile!!!

now, bugger off whilst us adults talk about adult things!!:D:D:D

fine, i'm an MCPD & MCITP, my sister works with LR developing diagnostic equipment (primarily software), the best man at my wedding was a project leader during the initial Test Book design process - buy hey am sure you adults already know all you need to know

come find me over at when your not busy wasting your time reinventing the wheel
Maybe I'm over simplifiying things, but there is plenty of T4 software floating around (copyright issues aside) and as I understand it it uses a network connection to communicate with the car via a module which presumably converts network packets into a serial stream, wouldn't it be easier to write something capable fooling it into redirecting/converting the network traffic to the USB or serial ports rather than starting from scratch?

i cant see a landrover disc, i have the system disc installed and i'm able to get into rover/mg side of the software but no landrovers. wonder if you could pm a bit of info?

fine, i'm an MCPD & MCITP, my sister works with LR developing diagnostic equipment (primarily software), the best man at my wedding was a project leader during the initial Test Book design process - buy hey am sure you adults already know all you need to know

come find me over at when your not busy wasting your time reinventing the wheel

so if your friends/family are in the landrover diagnostics field, you will be privvy to the protocols and any other info?

is your sister married??? if not then does she fancy a meal? obviously there'll be lots of 'shop' talk, if she want to bring a few cd's that would be fine:D:D:D:D:D

i have frequented scantool but theres not enough info to get anywhere, although i havnt noticed you or followed any of your threads.

MCPD & MCITP <<<<<dunno what one of them is but i assume you can do something useful??? well lets hear/see it then.

i would like to be able to diagnose and repair my car without paying someone to do it for me, is that such a bad thing?
fine, i'm an MCPD & MCITP, my sister works with LR developing diagnostic equipment (primarily software), the best man at my wedding was a project leader during the initial Test Book design process -

is she cute? :behindsofa: :D

woogoo, thank you for even thinking of taking this up. set up your website and paypal account. those really interested from here will certainly follow-up. i'm all for inventing a better mousetrap and this one would certainly benefit me personally if you do come through with it, but i also can't help thinking that P38s are getting a little long in the tooth. there might not be that much of a market unless there's enough commonality to allow you to adapt this to other models.
but i also can't help thinking that P38s are getting a little long in the tooth. there might not be that much of a market unless there's enough commonality to allow you to adapt this to other models.

oi you can't be saying things like that, however true it might be
I applaud your efforts. Unfortunately, or fortunately depending on your perspective, I have already begun such an endeavor. I am about 45 days away from having a fully functioning software release and hardware release. The project is called Rover All Comms. The goal is to provide a single USB driven piece of hardware that can communicate with the, P38a, L322 and the Discovery 2 vehicles.

The USB hardware bridge is API driven and not just one of those really annoying RS232 serial port emulators. So there will be no flaky USB to RS232 hardware interfaces to deal with. The software is almost complete and will allow the user to simply select which vehicle and vehicle subsystem they wish to communicate with on any given day.

The software will eventually be open source and I hope that the community will take it and add more functionality. In the first release, the software will only read and clear faults. So much much more functionality will still need to be added.

Please see the website news for more information;

I applaud your efforts. Unfortunately, or fortunately depending on your perspective, I have already begun such an endeavor. I am about 45 days away from having a fully functioning software release and hardware release. The project is called Rover All Comms. The goal is to provide a single USB driven piece of hardware that can communicate with the, P38a, L322 and the Discovery 2 vehicles.

Great news.

The USB hardware bridge is API driven and not just one of those really annoying RS232 serial port emulators. So there will be no flaky USB to RS232 hardware interfaces to deal with. The software is almost complete and will allow the user to simply select which vehicle and vehicle subsystem they wish to communicate with on any given day.

Is this a proprietary USB Bridge API that will require the purchase of a new connector?

The software will eventually be open source and I hope that the community will take it and add more functionality. In the first release, the software will only read and clear faults. So much much more functionality will still need to be added.

I look forward to this as it will allow me to return the 'favour'.

So what else can I say, it would appear that you have done what I was setting out to do, and it looks good.

But, please, if I can be of any help to you with regard to the development then please do not hesitate to ask I will be more than willing to help out where I can.
The new adapter design would be necessary for use with the new software environment. The adapter is not an off the shelf component(elmscan, etc...), because many of the Rover subsystems particularly with the P38a, do not conform to the ISO9141-2 physical layer protocols.

So in order to allow communications with the EAS for example, a different physical adapter is required. This adapter is entire different from the adapter necessary for the ABS system. So instead of building 3 or 4 different adapters, one for each specific subsystem, I decided to combine it all into one adapter.

I expect the entire assembly to cost approximately 90-100 USD. And the software will be free. Once things are rolling (long term), everything including both the software and the hardware will be open source.

I thank you for the offers of help. I will in fact be relying on your help for this project to take shape. Once I get the software libraries built, then people should be able to step in and hopefully lend a hand. I find that there is nothing more motivating than someone with a broken Rover. So I would expect that there will be many people with many different motivations. :)
Once I get the software libraries built, then people should be able to step in and hopefully lend a hand.

OK, I may be mistaken in my understanding of this statement but I am taking it to mean that you are not releasing the source code, but you intend to release .LIB or .DLL files to support communication with your proprietary hardware. Is this correct?

Or am I wrong and the physical source code either Managed C++, VB.NET, C# or your langauge of choice will be released to the general public via a repository such as SourceForge. The reason I ask is that the EAS Unlock Utility was meant to be 'Open Source' but no source code was ever published on Source Forge in the 2 plus years it was resident there; hence my request.

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