
New Member
Hi all, quick question, looking through the forums for info on buying a disco 2, and one of the posts I found made refernce to the review section, however when I try to click on it, I get a login box asking for a username and password, telling me the section is currently closed. Ive tried my username and password, but they don't work. Anything I'm doing wrong, or any ideas when it will be open again?

um, the bit at the top, next to For Sale??? or have I misunderstood a) the section title, b) the post pointing me to it c) both

Doing my head in this, I don't need a Disco, I have no practical reason for wanting one, i just *need* one... must be having a mid life crisis :)
fook me shows how much Notice I pay to this site. Mind yu I have LZlive as me login page and rarely venture anywhere else on the forum.
fook me shows how much Notice I pay to this site. Mind yu I have LZlive as me login page and rarely venture anywhere else on the forum.

Only cos you get taken back to the lost children point everytime you're seen wondering around yer feckin dwarf.:rolleyes::p

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