Sadly, my pillar drill is a cheapie... :(

Glass table it is then! I'll check that it is flat.

Or I go bother my neighbour: he actually collects old lathes... honestly, his workshop is an Aladdin's cave of industrial revolution to mid-20th century machine tools! Amazing.
Sounds like a mechanical anorak! Seriously though, unless you have a mill-drill (Which is basically a vertical lathe) anything you use will have some play.
Mechanical anorak? Yup, I guess that covers it. He also rebuilds clocks :)

I'll see how the simple test works out :) I hope to get all the valves out, checked and the fire-ring peened over the weekend ready to take up to Milton Keynes for head skimming and collecting a good pair of cams next week.

Then, at last, I'll be able to put the engine back together and reassess the VCU and the many other little "quirks" that Kilo-Hippo-Delta possess ahead of getting it MoT'd and taxed ;)
Mechanical anorak? Yup, I guess that covers it. He also rebuilds clocks :)

I'll see how the simple test works out :) I hope to get all the valves out, checked and the fire-ring peened over the weekend ready to take up to Milton Keynes for head skimming and collecting a good pair of cams next week.

Then, at last, I'll be able to put the engine back together and reassess the VCU and the many other little "quirks" that Kilo-Hippo-Delta possess ahead of getting it MoT'd and taxed ;)
Have you checked the boot door handle yet? They have a nasty habit of coming off in your hand leaving a nice big rust hole behind. :eek:
And don't get me started on fuel tank cradles, I was able to poke my finger through mine and after a bit of prodding and pulling there was nothing left of the support plates.
Boot handle seems absolutely fine! (perhaps surprisingly)

I have performed a quick visual inspection of the fuel tank cradles. I suspect that they're probably shot: they don't look too bad at first sight, but I suspect that once a bit of prodding with a screw driver is introduced into the equation, they'll have more holes than a paper doily. :(
I think I'd just be replacing a suspected bent valve. If you are able to see the head is bent when spun in the head. Just change them. They are cheap compared to the cost involved with snapped off valve, in a few thousand miles time ;)
Valves are even cheaper when you also happen to have the old head that is otherwise going to the scrap man!

I'll be replacing any and all that are in the least bit suspicious. I would not be keen on having to replace the engine due to a failed valve! (Even if I do have a spare turbo engine in the garage!!!!)
PS I think I recall reading that you'd made you're own cradle panel replacements?
Yip, used a sheet of aluminium to make them, and you might think they look OK but on an 01 car I suspect you won't need a screwdriver. Try the finger test. :confused:
Re the boot handle, have you bent down and looked up under the handle? That's where the rust hides.
Here Rob, it just occurred, who's house have you left this one in front of? If I recall correctly you like to work at your projects outside other peoples houses. :p
Yip, used a sheet of aluminium to make them, and you might think they look OK but on an 01 car I suspect you won't need a screwdriver. Try the finger test. :confused:

I'll have to find that thread again! :) In the mean time, I'll try and avoid sneezing on it... ;) LOL

Re the boot handle, have you bent down and looked up under the handle? That's where the rust hides.

I will double check, but I remember having plenty of time looking at the forlorn Land Rover sitting atop of a low loader when I got it, and being pretty impressed with the general body work condition!

The body kit is trying to fall off - and I am not sure that I want to encourage it to stay... but that's another story
Here Rob, it just occurred, who's house have you left this one in front of? If I recall correctly you like to work at your projects outside other peoples houses. :p
Doesn't everyone? It's taking up the drive at the moment, as the MoT has expired. So may need to get the MoT before I can change the VCU because the drive is on quite a slope.

The in-laws' front drive is nice and flat. They might not want another one of their son-in-law's cars sitting on it again after the Project Shed saga though... :(
Argh! I looked again! Darn you evil little tin warms!!! They've eaten a hole just out of sight!


Another problem for the list!
Doesn't everyone? It's taking up the drive at the moment, as the MoT has expired. So may need to get the MoT before I can change the VCU because the drive is on quite a slope.

That's easy. Just jack up the end that is facing down hill. This way the car ends up nice and level ;)
I use that method all the time.
I'll see whether my old ramps are man enough for the job :)

By the way, I'm about to drain out the old oil, and found that someone has modified the under tray. There's a bunch of fixings missing, cable ties everywhere and thus crudely cut slot under the oil filter.

Is this a mod you guys are familiar with? I'm wondering whether I snip though that cable tie and bend down the tray, there might be enough space to drain the oil and change the filter...?
I'll see whether my old ramps are man enough for the job :)

By the way, I'm about to drain out the old oil, and found that someone has modified the under tray. There's a bunch of fixings missing, cable ties everywhere and thus crudely cut slot under the oil filter. View attachment 106192

Is this a mod you guys are familiar with? I'm wondering whether I snip though that cable tie and bend down the tray, there might be enough space to drain the oil and change the filter...?
What a bodge up. I'd be making something better than that mess. Time for some improvements I think;)
Definitely! I think the frame is still sound though - so perhaps replace the mullered plastic with some alloy sheet?

What have you guys done?
Great - might be a good idea if I do what I have planned and take it off for a little bit of green roading! :)

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