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I can find a lot of threads about replacing the vent seals but not the mesh. This must have been done by plenty of people. Is it just a case of buying some metal mesh from somewhere, tinsnipping it out and aralditing it in? Can you buy them pre-made? Can't see them on YRM.
Since you guys decide to not indicate where you actually live, it's useless directing you on how where to go and what to get.

You should locate some 1/8 to 3/16 thick aluminum mesh with holes big enough for the air flow to be practical. Make up a template out of cardboard to cut the mesh using a sharp snip. You could use some small stainless steel screws with washers big enough to grab enough of the mesh to hold it in place.
If I were you I would also make sure that the flaps sits flush on the vents, I have seen some all warped allowing water to get in and cause stuff to rot. Maybe it's best to use a film of silicone to make an imprint of how the flaps sits onto the vents.

He lives uup North. Which is obviously, umm, uup North! Probably not North Barbados!

Yes, up North- England that is. Any further would be Scotland. Not many places of reference that would mean a lot to most people, so Up North does me. Could fancy moving to Southern France tho :D
Yes, up North- England that is. Any further would be Scotland. Not many places of reference that would mean a lot to most people, so Up North does me. Could fancy moving to Southern France tho :D

Exactly my point Al, that's why I said it could mean anywhere, but my prof was using comments like "obviously, umm, uup North" so I am a dummy it seems.

If he read my bio, he would have realized that I have been to and lived in many "up norths" than he could ever imagine, before trying to educate me on on geography.

Anyway, I used to manufacture satellite dishes using what is called diamond pattern mesh, its made of aluminum and very strong.

My 20-40 ft diameter dishes are 20 to 30 feet in the air and the mesh used as the parabolic reflectors are still holding strong after 20 years...if you were closer I could mail you some, can still get the mesh in US and Canada :D
Chill out Barbados, too many rums? Given that LandyZone is UK based and that the vast majority of the users are from the UK and that "up North" is a well recognised colloquial term for "North England" I thought 99% of us would work it out.
I wasn't trying to give you geography lessons, but as the first part of your first reply to AI203 was a bit cocky I thought it only fair to stir it up!
No offence meant.
Al just another thought to ensure a good seal. There is a rubber foam weather strip which us used for doors, its flexible and water proof, the close cell ones that is.

Its soft enough to be squeezed by the flaps and will seal the imperfect contact surfaces.
See if you can find that and use that on the vent side.
Chill out Barbados, too many rums? Given that LandyZone is UK based and that the vast majority of the users are from the UK and that "up North" is a well recognised colloquial term for "North England" I thought 99% of us would work it out.
I wasn't trying to give you geography lessons, but as the first part of your first reply to AI203 was a bit cocky I thought it only fair to stir it up!
No offence meant.

I would chill if you had posted a comment which contributed to the OPs question than making a useless post bud. Even if I commented on the fact that his location is not well described, I added something to his interest, you should do the same.

Though you would try to prove your comment as being correct, its still futile since Up North is "commonly" used to to indicate Canada.

Its anyones guess where members are from, so you are assuming where Al meant he was living.

Since you have clearly indicated that you like to stir up arguments, you can continue to make a mess of Als thread. I wont waste my key strokes on you Bud.
I can find a lot of threads about replacing the vent seals but not the mesh. This must have been done by plenty of people. Is it just a case of buying some metal mesh from somewhere, tinsnipping it out and aralditing it in? Can you buy them pre-made? Can't see them on YRM.


Yes, you can buy them, but they're chuffing expensive! Part number is 395185. Would be better off trying a breakers or get some stainless steel mesh from the Internet and make some of your own.
I'll change my location to 'Land of shirtless men'. Which members on here use to refer to the North of England. ;)
Good shirtless weather today. Cold, windy with intermittent showers. Standard summers day here :rolleyes:

Anyway, was hoping there might be some cheap kits available that folk knew of. If not I'll get some mesh as Barbados suggests. I've already got new seals. I don't think mine were leaking, but they are on the way out.
Yes, you can buy them, but they're chuffing expensive! Part number is 395185. Would be better off trying a breakers or get some stainless steel mesh from the Internet and make some of your own.

:eek: Is that per side? They can't sell many of those! It's going to be a DIY job. Never thought to search for 'flyscreen'. :eek: Cheers, all.
I would contact who you bought the bulkhead off mate. They will have removed them for the galv process, and will probably have loads kicking about, or should have, including the ones on you old bulkhead if it was exchange.
:eek: Is that per side? They can't sell many of those! It's going to be a DIY job. Never thought to search for 'flyscreen'. :eek: Cheers, all.

Looks like per side, bargain! There are very few parts on the Landy that haven't been copied and made cheaper. Unfortunately for you this is one of them!
Got a surprise when I saw mostin58's pictures and having just read Aaron's post. Cos I've still got my old bulkhead here. They cocked the delivery of the new bulkhead up and so never collected the old one. Having said that, I didn't think the old mesh was a starter because I was sure it was welded in and would probably get messed up taking it out. mostin58's are obviously fixed in with screws! :eek:
Haven't looked at the old bulkhead for nearly a year, but in panicked embarrassment I've just been down the side of the house and uncovered it. Sadly, mine are tack welded in around the hole. However, they might come out more easily than I thought. If they do, I'll glue the old ones in to the new bulkhead. Thanks for the offer mostin58 but, I think these will come out more easily than I'd remembered. :eek:

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