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Just put the defender into the garage for tracking due to uneven tyre wear and have been informed I need a new track rod end - estimated by them to cost £100 to replace. I know I can get this part for around £5, but have noticed on the parts they mention L/H or R/H, does this refer to which end is required or which side drive the vehicle is?

Which part am I going to need RH thread or LH thread?

Any help greatly appreciated!

Many thanks,

See it could be either. I would get both and swap them both while you were doing it.
that's not a bad idea at all, seeing as the items only cost about £4 each and about £4 of postage, I might aswell make it worth while and get both. In my landy manual it seems like an easy job, it is pretty much just a case of unbolting etc the old one and putting on the new, might have to prop up the landy slightly but thats it?

Thank you :)
Also worth buying the lemforder track rod ends so i'm told. These are the OEM parts but haven't got landrover stamped on the box so cost alot less! I think they are around £7.50 each on paddocks.
not a particularly difficult job, except when the tro's are rusted to the track rod, then it's off with the track rod and into the vice and maybe out with the blowlamp/releasing fluid/swearwords/plasters, get me drift?
balljoint seperator may be an idea to have.

also measure the distance centre to centre from one end to the other so when they are replaced you get them as close to original as poss. last thing you want is to scrub your tyres ALL The way to the tyre place... doh!

Brilliant thank you all, I've got the parts on order so hopefully will be giving it ago in about a week,amd have brand new tyres and wheels to fit once the job and the tracking is done :) thank you all
that's not a bad idea at all, seeing as the items only cost about £4 each and about £4 of postage, I might aswell make it worth while and get both. In my landy manual it seems like an easy job, it is pretty much just a case of unbolting etc the old one and putting on the new, might have to prop up the landy slightly but thats it?

Thank you :)

I know you have bought all the parts now, but I just want to stress this point, when it comes to critical components such as TRE's, splash out and get the good ones. At £7 each, Lemforder are the only TRE's I would fit to a LR.

Boy here had a disco TRE fail on him, I said, "ah well not a big deal really, just means your steering is a bit vague", not so, his actually failed, as in TWO SEPERATE PIECES - that should be IMPOSSIBLE - who made it I hear you ask, well I will not even insult you all by telling you you know who it was and you bet it was the £4 version!

That could have obviously been a serious accident.
I've never used a ball joint separator in 40 years as a HGV fitter, and you don't hit the threaded end of the ball joint, instead hit the end of the casting where the taper fits into (leave the nut on the thread a few turns, this will save damaging it should you ever have to remove a ball joint that you're not going to replace)
It probably won't come with the first knock, so just keep hitting it, it will come out.
Another trick instead of struggling to remove the track rod ends after you've got the whole shaft off, is to get the tubular track rod bar turning on the ball joints thread BEFORE you remove the track rods ends from their housings. undo the clamps, soak in penetrating oil etc and get the stilsons on it, once it's freely turning, it makes it much easier to remove the track rod ends once the assembly is off.
Thanks again, I have bought 1 lh and 1 rh one but I think I need to get another, where the drop link meets the wheel is that a LH or RH track rod end? I will buy the lemforder one to replace that 1. Thank you!

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