
Well-Known Member
Will l need a slide hammer to get the flange off the rear differential so l can fit a new oil seal?
An article in LRM last month said it was an easy job but the flange "may be reluctant to come off"
Anybody done this job? Last time l had it done back in 2008 l was charged £100 by Guy Salmon, and the seal only costs £4.
Once nut is undone they normal'y just pull off or come with a tap on the flange. You wuz robbed mate.
Too right l was.

But back then l did not know any better, the main dealer charges £100 per hour.

Now l take it to a local specialist who charge half that, for jobs l cannot do myself.
Nice to find a good local man,This is a straight forward job but two tools can make it easy.First a prop bolt socket and second an old seal removal tool , both available on the flebay. Cheers.
This might be worth a gander lightning as think they replace the seal during the flange change:

Hope link works

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