New Member
Hi All
In my freelander 1 theres a radio/cassete this has two holes one on each side for removal tried coat hanger wire,3,25 rods ,screwdrivers nothing seems to enter and release the unit any ideas please :confused:
Hi perhaps my discription was misleading there is only 1 hole each side of unit so these tools for removing unit with 2 holes each side wont work
Hi there , I had to take out my radio/cassette (FL1 03 plate) it needs an allen key (cant remember the size) and you loosen a screw in the hole which releases the holing plate, the radio then just pulls out, refit is the opposite taking care not to overtighten.
I use 4 masonry nails ,not sure the gauge.Just push them all the way in tight,either get your fingers into the casset deck or press on the nails on both sides and pull.

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