
New Member
ok..........i am a newbie............has anyone converted to LPG and registered there car as a dual fuel? if so what did you have to do? do you just have to go to the local DVLC and fill a form in? or do you get a form from somewhere else?
Int it just yer V5c where you fill in the vehicle changes bit and change fuel type?
what does your lpg cost over there???? i reckon were getting ripped off 69.9c per ltre average. 15 years ago it was between 9.5 & 12.9 c per litre.
Int it just yer V5c where you fill in the vehicle changes bit and change fuel type?

I am sure it does say something on the V5 about it but i don't really want to send my certificate off just in case they lose it,i have a DVLC office not too far from me so i might phone them and ask.
what does your lpg cost over there???? i reckon were getting ripped off 69.9c per ltre average. 15 years ago it was between 9.5 & 12.9 c per litre.[/quote

I pay between 53.9 and 59.9 per ltr,i have heard others say that it can be got for as little as 43p ltr :eek: but not where i live :( i have the Prins system and the fuel gauge is not the most accurate ....i was on the red yesterday with 160miles showing on the clock but it only took 40ltrs to fill it up again ( i have an 88ltr tank fitted which after 20% less for expansion should give me around 72ltrs )
if you got some lube, use it - like the rest of the world your about to get f####d in the a##e. By the way, did you know comsumer share holder profits are far more important than consumers????
ok..........i am a newbie............has anyone converted to LPG and registered there car as a dual fuel? if so what did you have to do? do you just have to go to the local DVLC and fill a form in? or do you get a form from somewhere else?

Why do you want to register it? I had a VR6 that was dual fuel but it was never registered as such.

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