BTW Grumpy, having a bit of trouble finding the porn sites you referred to. I thought I was familiar with all porn sites on the web so very interested if you've found a new one. ;)
It's not a free techie advice service, it's a community.....the tech advice generally just kind of happens because people like to help each other out :)

It might seems a bit harsh but if you can't be bothered to look up what IRD and VCU stand for I'm not sure how much help anyone is going to be able to offer you.

Tell them to **** off and ban them at same time, why bother explaining to an idiot.
Thanks a bunch GG!!!!!
@b2nrc There are many many posts here saying the Bell are good and non that I know of saying they are less than good. I don't know about Ashcroft so can't comment.

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