
New Member
Got a 61 plate Defender 90.

Last November the rear glass randomly shattered on it's own while standing outside one day. Weight of rear BL then broke the window.

Thought it was random but got it replaced on insurance.

It's just done the same today, no one in it, completely on it's own.

Twice is a problem I would think, rang up LR and they've heard nothing of the fault. Surely something is making this glass break.
My 09plate 110 Utility Wagon did it too, in the cold weather in the winter of 2010.
Also got it replaced under insurance,
as in the rear door? do you have a door mounted spare? if so, is the door starting to sag a bit?
Ive heard of the door going out of square due to the weight of the wheel, and braking glass, swingaway spare fixes the problem
My 09plate 110 Utility Wagon did it too, in the cold weather in the winter of 2010.
Also got it replaced under insurance,

It was hardly COLD COLD today, so I don't want to put it down to that.

as in the rear door? do you have a door mounted spare? if so, is the door starting to sag a bit?
Ive heard of the door going out of square due to the weight of the wheel, and braking glass, swingaway spare fixes the problem

Well with our old ones, we have removed the spare wheel as it sagged the door, but on our previous 5 or 6 90's none had window smashes. Plus the wheels on our previous were actually heavier than our current. But it could possible impact the glass, yes.
Just a guess but if the heated rear screen stayed on maybe? not sure if it could get that hot to brake the glass

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